Colobot Forum - International Colobot Community

Full Version: Ens - An oldtimer community member
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I'm happy to see Colobot is still going and has gone open  Big Grin

I used to be very active in the Colobot community back in the day, but then I got married and entered the real world back in 2005.

I'm the original author of Ceebot / Colobot Terrain Generator and the 'Colobot Map Gen' map editor (and a couple other 'tools') - which I can't believe still exists in the wild. I'm willing to bet that I still have the VB6 source code for these around somewhere. I'm sure the code is atrocious though as I coded these tools up back around 2002/2003 before I even really started my Computer Science degree... and they were written in VB6 after all.

Anyway, I just downloaded Colobot Gold, shot a few spiders for old times sake, and figured I'd drop by the forums to say HI.
Hi! It's awesome to see someone who was "coloboting" from the very beginning, even before I was thinking about learning CBOT in original game instead of playing only Smile . Is website also your job?
Hi! It's very nice to see somebody from the beginnings of Colobot indeed.

@RaptorParkowsky : I think was maintained by developers of Ceebot4, I remember seeing some ____Developer accounts when I was exploring it a long time ago.
Why don't we have these tools in our download somewhere? I thought you collected all things like that already.

(01-18-2016, 04:32 PM)Ens Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure the code is atrocious though as I coded these tools up back around 2002/2003 before I even really started my Computer Science degree... and they were written in VB6 after all.
I think that original Colobot source code might have been even worse Wink But it was at least in C++ (with manual memory management and no use of C++ standard library though Tongue)