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Full Version: How to name textures?
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I downloaded some userlevels, but only part of their texture loads up, now I came to the theory,that the textures have the wrong name.I already put them into those directory:home/.local/share/colobot/mods/mod/levels/custom/customlevel/, home/.local/share/colobot/mods/mod/textures,
home/.local/share/colobot/mods/mod/customlevel/textures.Sorry if I posted wrong dirctories.

P.S.:This is NOT a bug.
Try also textures/objects, some textures might belong there. Especially if missing textures are on objects.
Sadly the missing textures are terrain and atmosphere.
Check logs, maybe there will be some errors with name of missing file.
OK, I tried to do that,but where are the logs.
Firstly what userlevels have you downloaded? Have you tried find the help by asking the creators of those userlevels? Any links, debug logs etc.? Any tests on recent development builds?
Bloodia,the True Levels.Those are the levels on which it won´t work.

EDIT:I´m using 1.8 official.

EDIT:There that are multipal userlevels I think it´s a main bug, not a bug bug of a specific level.