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I finally uploaded photos with red sky effect for textures purpose + some sand etc. Wink
@RaptorParkowsky I don't know what trailers did you watch, but Starcraft is definitely not cliche if you actually delve a little. Blizzard cinematics are cool looking but they rarely show the real game. Terran are the most boring IMHO, but Zerg and Protoss are interesting races which I haven't seen anywhere else.
@radioactivity so you basically want to make Human vs Zerg in Colobot Tongue Yeah, I like that idea of making main enemy with addition of other species along the way. Colobot is way too empty, it may be realistic from science point of view, but it's a game, not simulator.
I mean porting every BLEND model source file into something unified with compression and base part information about the license ("This asset is part of the Colobot: Gold Edition project, made by Daniel Roux and expanded by tomangelo, copyright by TerranovaTeam etc. blah-blah wroom-wroom"). Basically I would create a base, unified file with easy access to every important option and we would just paste there all finished models saving them each into new separate file.
I don't know what do you mean with optimizing for source purposes.
@tomangelo : When I would help you with optimizing BLEND files for source purposes of those models? I really need to do something finally before 15th Anniversary...
So, tomorrow finishing human1 model, optimizations, tweaks and go for another models
I write faster than you answer @tomangelo
Some shoot from far, some explode near, some just infect AI and some bomb. Not bad, but still it's "destroy if you see someone"
It doesn't even matter how they attack at that point because they are dead before they can become harmful. And also campaign really favors ants
I think while patterns of enemies indeed may be a problem, Colobot has much bigger issue with diversity of their strategy than look. Currently every alien dies the same, just shoot them when they're in sights
That may lead to Human vs Alien vs Enviroment, where sometimes native species help you take down aliens, and sometimes you get banged by alien stegosaurus while you shifted your attention to insects
That goes back to my idea of alien insects being invasive space traveling species, which somehow travels to other planets and solar systems and start wiping out local inhabitants
@Simbax I like idea of having diverse environments with various fauna, both hostile and neutral. But I also like idea of having insects as main antagonists
@Simbax : I didn't meant that Starcraft is bad game at all. I just look at design of it in CGI trailer and only thing I would say about it it's "cliche - nothing that I didn't seen in any previous medium". War in space - nothing new, even Star Wars wasn't first with this idea. Cool looking mechanisms and armors - meh, but cool. etc.
I agree that Mass Effect and XCOM are "cliche" (XCOM is a stupid unrealistic illogical nonsense, but the game and concept is fun anyway), but Starcraft is quite a piece of good SciFi.
TBH races in Starcraft are quite interesting and original. I heard that Starcraft was based on Warhammer, but I know nothing about Warhammer.
What clones? First time I hear about clones of Starcraft.