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@Simbax : Well, I must admit that my Starcraft knowledge is based on pre-rendered CGI trailers and I didn't played it even once. And there's so much clones of that game that I simply think that's "just another sci-fi game with all that typical stuff".
@tomangelo & @Simbax : ++, but then Colobot would be much harder game to develop if every planet had so many differences that would make the game so huge and uneven. I guess we should stay with Colobot canon and expand it as much as possible (adding new AlienInsect species, plants or other arthropod organisms should be enough satisfying).
But now mutated ant won't be so creative like 15 years ago
It's from 2001 year, opponent wasn't really innovative then
Funny that you mentioned Starcraft as cliche, because there is a race called Zergs which are insects which can travel through space and colonise planets. Even among Zergs there is much more diversity than in Colobot, not all of them look like insects and they constantly evolve with unrealistic speed in order to adapt to new environments or enemies quickly. Aliens in Colobot are basically the same as Zergs, but much less advanced.
Also, I find aliens in Colobot stupid and boring, they are less creative than humanoids, because they at least try to look different and have different culture, while in Colobot is just "hey, let's put an ant on a planet and make it shoot bubbles! also, let's add spiders which explode!". Suicidal, exploding little things, yeah, nobody thought about that before...
New species with another "philosophy" than just turn() shoot() die() could be more entertaining for typical player than thinking why the hell there are ants everywhere
@RaptorParkowsky it's obvious that we want to expand about the alien insects from the original game, my idea went much further and such a game could be developed forever after release. Patterns are boring once you figure them out. No Man's Sky was a failure because of patterns. Huge space, but it gets repetitive after a while. This is a perfect proof that quantity does not equal quality. Every planet would basically be a new game, each with its own story line, its own design, its own aliens or none... Because just the environment can be interesting and deadly. I don't believe in huge games, they are always a disappointment, I love games which are maybe not that big, but the amount of details and work put into them make them far superior than games where you have big world built using the same content over and over again.
Still, I think we really should make more native races on planets. Even some other, neutral species that run away from us, but attack AlienAnts (so missions like 6.3 could actually make any sense).
@tomangelo : Yep, but for me it shows perfectly the scalability of the life itself too.
I thought this comic is funny because it show us like a parasite of planet, taking all resources and occasionally ruining it.
@Simbax : About life itself. I actually consider that everything in universe is life. Life is scalable and you can simplify it as movement of the energy through space. That's why I find this comic so funny:
So they build cocoon. How did it flied into space? With cannon? Big baseball bat? Fall out from edge of the world?
AlienAnt alone can't fly through space, but more AlienInsects can build something (Cocoon? Hive?) that could be used in colonization. And I have to admit that colonization doesn't really tell anything about intelligence of the organisms (vide Starship Troopers where arachnids waged war with humans and colonized other planets).
If they started to colonize it before us, then we already have intelligent non-humanoid species. But this doesn't make any sense that ants without any technology randomly started to fly into space. Somebody spread them? Then it's another intelligent species, maybe humanoidal
Just like it's misterious why our bag is floating in air. How can even such Ant fly into space and spread throught planets? It just doesn't make any sense.
We're carbon organism. Other inteligent species doesn't necessary be build from carbon. They can be made from sulfur, Natrium, their DNA might not look like our, it might be triple, or something. They might be build in a way we cannot even imagine
@Simbax : Personally I found it more creepy and mysterious why on every planet that we colonizes there's almost the same insects. Are they started colonizing the Universe before us? Is it the best fitting to different planet conditions form of life? Why they all sounds like robots and looks like insects with some kind of skin instead fully chitin armature? And why they look like insects finally?! There's so many questions to answer, so much potential for huge and cool franchise.
Races made from non-organic materials like metal or stone are something to consider too. It all depends how we define "life".
Why so much hate at humanoids? Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's entirely bad. There is nothing more realistic in dino-aliens or insect-aliens or dog-aliens or fish-aliens or whatever. I just suggested more diversity (and no, other insects are still insects and I find it as boring as when there are only humanoid aliens). Look at SW or Dr. Who, this is the diversity I'm talking about, every planet should have different specie, a game about discovery should show some mysterious creatures, there is a lot of things you can alter with humanoid to make it interesting, as with every other type of Earth life. Be a little more creative than changing skin color, number of legs, size etc.,