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@radioactivity : Of course, not dolphins, but you forgot about mermaids actually ;P ... On other planet with strange and different conditions than on Earth there's no way for life to evolve into something that looks very similar to Earth's organisms, especially if it looks like human (and even human on Earth isn't the best evolutionary achievement without all that stuff what human creates to survive and explore...). And we have a game with insect-like half-inteligent & half-primitive aliens that are almost the same on at least 7 different planets + some strange but very Earth-s like plants. There's so many unique and just strange things to do with that material!
There is like 18 quintillion insect species to pick from, that's a lot bio diversity to have :p
@Simbax that is great idea, though I'd personally prefer to stick to insects as antagonists for flavor purposes
I mean in C2 of course
It's not like we'll be fighting alien civilizations anyway, there is no need to bother with humanoids
That is obviously if alien life is anything like Earth life, because then even insect aliens are indeed incorrect assumption
Insect-like aliens also are already evolutionary incorrect, but not as much as human-like aliens, as they're more primitive organisms and even (basing on strange textures, sounds and blood bioluminescence effects) they share less features with actual insects that lives on Earth than you would firstly think.
There is a reason why humans and not dolphins created civilization. Humanoid body scheme is well suited to role of intelligent species and it is not inconceivable to think that intelligent aliens would look much different
@Simbax : Yeah, human-like races definetely away from Colobot. They're so obvious and cliché and there's a LOT of them in almost every game/movie etc. They're even evolutionary incorrect and I would rather believe they are just humans from the future/different timeline or dimension etc. than an alien organisms that were evolved on different planet. Even dinosaur-like aliens are more original and convincing to me (vide Nanosaur series).
@tomangelo : You can always use the vertex groups and add them to mask modifier to hide unnecessary verticles before applying any modifier to mesh. But, uh well, I can see that's not very helpful in that case tough...
@RaptorParkowsky : it was made by SubSurf modifier, I couldn't make so much before applying it. Such things I postponed to final touches, when there won't be so much shapeshifts. So now when I have "final" look of it, I can start to optimize things.
I'd make it more dark (although not too much, just a lot more serious), insect aliens more terrifying and realistic, the game would be about survival in dangerous planets, away from civilization. After colonizing Terranova, times of discoveries come again, but this time explorers travel through space instead of oceans. They want to find treasures, colonize new planets (or moons, or whatever), or they simply want to rob or rival with other explorers. And they all use the recent Colobot technology, more modern and enhanced obviously. Also, more types of aliens than just insects, but not humanoid (well, maybe one human-like race, but it should be really weird). Ah, if only Colobot engine was more advanced... I'd do something like this even as a mod.
@tomangelo : Your meshes looks really good on screenshots. But I think the place covered by astronaut's head would be better optimized. I would cut almost all of those polys inside the collar, there's already more polys than in some of my "CGI-ultra-hyper-poly" models.
Personally I don't want to see some aspects of modern sci-fi design in Colobot universe. Just don't make it looking like another XCOM, Starcraft, Mass Effect etc. because they're really cliché imho. Colobot as well as other EPSITEC games have it's own, unique design and I would stick to it half-pernamently in the case of GOLD remake, fixing some flaws and adding some details. But in the case of C2 I would evolve the same art style into something modern but still Colobot looking. Of course if we ever touch the engine enough to even think about making the sequel instead of updating the GOLD.
If we were to make Colobot 2, would you rather go with classic art style, or choose one of the more modern ones?
Your models made me think of something
With these straps, pipes and stuff "extruded" from texture I can correct UV map a bit, to delete these seams on halves edhes
avatar Whole human1c model
Bag still floating in air :/ Still looks much better than original
avatar If I didn't forget anything there are just finishing touches