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Captain, *bzzzt* we need help. *bzzzzt* Spambots breaks our defense lines. *bzzzzzzt* Send suppli*bzzzzzzzz...*
and the exercises are awesome as always
and play for at least 10 seconds before closing it
@Simbax It's not counting how many times you lose, it counts how many times you start a level iirc
Now the robot we are trying to execute instructions as would need to be idle
Or straight up executing instructions as other robot, using for example [object].move(10);
Reading and analyzing programs aside, also uploading and starting programs
Honestly CBOT could use some build-in inter-bot interactions, specifically with programs
I'd do that, but it's not that simple. There's no way in CBOT to check how many times a specific instruction was used in a program or what was drawn on the ground.
When you fulfill all objectives it spawns TNT in some obscure place, and wins mission. Then either change robot to something else (Me? Tech?) or put program into level controler
Then add a robot with program that is basically a checklist of objectives you need to do
As for advanced end mission conditions, I'd set win condition to be 1 TNT anywhere on map
Well, it's not really possible to lose in exercises in most cases and it only enables additional button in SatCom, not program, so that'd need to be changed in the code.
@Simbax Solution checkbox appears when you lose mission several times
Chapter 1 of the new programming course is done and ready for beta testing. The solution programs are available, but they won't be in the release unless the player checks the "Solution" checkbox or smth, which I don't know how to do. Chapter 2 requires some advanced end mission conditions and I have no idea how to do them, so I guess I'll have to wait for @krzys_h . Have fun and note any tiny mistake, typos, grammar errors, level problems, and so on. I also hope you'll like it as I didn't precisely followed the script, so some details have changed.
I know, I did this animatic so long ago... Maybe with current Blender knowledge I would finally do something that looks professional.
That destruction effect looks dope though
I am pretty sure downward momentum is separate for Me, Jets, wasps and falling resources separately, and otherwise there is no gravity at all, as for Colobot physics
It took Microsoft only 11 editions and one completely new browser to get into game ;p
Edge is good, but still too young and lacking in features and stability.