IsPlayingMusic returns true if channel state is AL_PLAYING, so if it have to return false, then paused music must have different state, like AL_PAUSED. So PlayPauseMusic must mark main sound as paused
Shoutbox archive
Working on it. Found some Pause() function in another file, trying to use it instead of this quite hacky thing with playing pause music.
Because it doesn't cover everything, especially the new stuff, and it's not in English.
ColoBOT: too much messages for single commits! Calm down, man. Also, not enough space for Jenkins. Again.
After all these years I'm still using this ... We should really have a nice up-to-date documentation of level creation like this one.
Because maybe there are more parts of code that would broke with this muting out of focus thing and changing IsPlayingMusic would prevent this (at least I hope so).
When you mute the first one, IsPlayingMusic() probably returns false and that's why intro2 starts playing.
I think I found it. This condition has to change.
So we need to either prevent intro2 from playing when out of focus, or make proper PauseMusic function
I've used PlayPauseMusic and MuteAll when lost focus, when gained focus then it's StopPauseMusic