there is problem with function drawStatsLine, it seys it can't have default arguments
Shoutbox archive
error C3486: a parameter for a lambda cannot have a default argument D:\colobot\colobot\src\graphics\engine\engine.cpp 5072 1 colobotbase
I'd create a class Hex and HexGrid, which would implement some kind of coordinates system. Also some supporting classes like HexPointer that converts mouse cursor position to a proper Hex coordinate, HexGridView which would render it and pass it to some kind of GUI class or something and probably some other. It highly depends on what I would want to do with such hex grid.
Seriously though, I've come up with how that could work, and I'm asking mostly out of curiosity how you would do it
I would have to sell both computers, with periferials to make a quarter of it.
5870 + 250 = 6120 PLN. That's a LOT of money! Even my GPU was much cheaper and I can probably run even The Witcher /// on low/mid details. [hahah, I was just trolling, very funny...]
I can't specify what's broken, It looks fine, but it sometimes just don't set up
I still have my old, 12 years old PC, just in case if my main PC broke. Also Windows XP is good for old games that cannot work properly on newer OS