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Is it legit if I use the LRV as my avatar here(and on other sites)?
@kevinvr : No, you don't have to ask us for it. We're rather happy due to fact that someone want to use this game for such a purpouse Smile . Colobot: Gold Edition is free and open source software designed to teach the basics of the programming. TerranovaTeam is not the organisation who redistributes any product licenses and dictates the way of the usage of the software. You can download or compile and mod the game by yourself freely, but can't buy or sell it. Read more about GNU GPLv3 license:
Do I need to ask the Terranova Team for permission if I want to use Colobot Gold to teach Computer Programming in my school?
Happy New Year evaryone!
Hi There, Is anyone there?
That's right, happy 2018, guys!
Happy New Year International Colobot Community!!!
Well, after moving the ship here and there few times I found a place where it does takes off.
My Colobot is of 0.1.10-alpha version.
Does anybody know what to do if SpaceShip keeps saying "doors are blocked bla bla bla" even though they are not, unless there are absolutely no objects on the level othen than the ship itself?
@DavivaD OK, thanks. Wish Epsitec was more thoughtful to such little details..
@robocat04 1. Yep 2. Idk
@DavivaD Thanks, though I figured out meaning of each values in the first place, since it looks obvious. I meant, how does movement affects the timer? For example. 1) Is it ticking slower when worm moves slower or not? I know that it decreases instead of increasing when worm turns left or moves back, but maybe there are more things. 2) It this even ticking exactly as fast as value returned by abstime()?
Correct me somebody if I was wrong...
@robocat04 Timers elapses when the Worm executes the movement. If Work stopping moving, the timer also stopping... TIME_UPDOWN - Time between entering/leaving the underground (2 sec) | DOWN_ALTITUDE - Underground depth? (3 Engine Units?) | m_timeUp - Time on the surface (18 sec) | m_timeDown - Time Underground (18 sec).
In the game engine it is written that AlienWorm has: TIME_UPDOWN = 2.0f, DOWN_ALTITUDE = 3.0f, m_timeUp = 18.0f, m_timeDown = 18.0f. However, it doesn't tells me much.
The question is: what kind of math should be used to determine correlation between turning and moving and also how long distance AlienWorm goes before showing up on the surface / hiding underground?
Hi! I found a way to make worm always remain underground. It goes down and up when it moves. And since turning right equals moving forward and turning left equals moving back you could make it turn 360 degress left once or twice after it moved through certain distance.
@RaptorParkowsky Happy BirthDay!
Hey, kids, you wanna some free Epsitec games?