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Probably because of issues with dependencies on different distros
From what I've observed, in many cases Linux binaries aren't distributed standalone. It's in repositories, with instruction how to compile for these who doesn't have these repositories.
Well... so I still haven't made the 0.1.8 linux packages. And I don't even see anyone complaining about that.
Making TNT, TargetBots and Mines out of SulfurOre? Well, I think it would be worth implementation. Having only 2 types of material resources + 1 kind of subsoil energy is kinda disappointing for RTS like Colobot. Maybe we could even consider another subsoil energy resource. Something like fuel as less effective power source for bots in the Colobot potential prequel.
I mean dropped from air, like OrgaMatter
Or add new resource: sulfur (can extract it by a derrick, like Titanium ore). You place sulfur to factory (like to conventer) and get explosives (like tnt, but tnt isn't made of sulfur :/) which explodes when dropped
I would left drones for the potential sequel, for GOLD I personally can see only Robbie the Assistant as she was cut from the original game and her usage would not be so overpowered. About weapon bots - there's already so much of them that I think we could add something less OP. Fog of war was proposed long time ago and I think this can be a thing to do - when? Depends on how we'll use it while rewriting Missions or other game mode. Underwater missions, aliens and stuff - ++, maybe we'll even add brand new planet for this, who knows?
"Me" can swim Wink why there are no aliens/robots who can? Not only walking on bottom
I have also idea to underwater: building, robots (more), aliens - we could make missions in under water world (of some planet) or with with some part under water (not only taking Keys)
Im working on Wasps and Spiders currently Wink Ants are next
About my ideas - i was thinking about: mortar (shoots bomb like OrgaMatter, but on parabola, so you can hit sthg behind a hill). Drone (no heating when flying, camera faced download, can hold things, and drop when flying - can use it for dropping bombs (like OrgaMatter), taking things and exploring mao-if there will be "fog of war")
That's why I proposed you thiskind of work Smile . Yeah, it's a little buggy, but I think it's perspective is right for this project. I want to see AI script for AlienAnts Smile .
Im trying to write Wasp whichs behaviur is more natural but i still have few bugs
Well, if you're quite good in CBOT I think you can help with rewriting Alien's AI. It's not so much work and it can be done without rewriting half of the game now.
I heard about BountySource - connected with github allows to pay somebody some $ for completing some issue. I think it would make working on Colobot more attractive, so we could find more developers and make them we already have more productive. I would personally donate to that
Ideas? What exactly except BuilderBots, Copter/ChopperBots, DummyAlienBots, Robbie the Assistant, new species of AlienInsects etc.?
I know there are only few people who are working on C:GE. I wonder how I could help - the only code i can make is CBOT code (not so advanced), I can't also make well graphics, modele. But.
Only by messing in code, in future it will be easier
Is there already a way to edit/add new robots/buildings? I have few ideas