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The question is if we have time for all this. Well, if one person just writes one entry in each day, it's pretty good. If we start now, who knows, we could finish it this year.
If we decide on how to write it, the structure, tags and stuff, there should be no problem with doing this. But if we don't, everyone would do it their own way and we would have a mess. Just writing what's currently in SatCom would be alright. We would have something we can improve later. For now we have nothing.
The only question left is who'll do it?
So there is only making a website that will run on popular browsers without glitches (both desktop and mobile) and converting SatCom syntax to HTML syntax.
I think HTML+CSS should be enough for such (non-)trivial task. No point in complicating this further.
Still we need SatCom online (btw how do we want to make it? PHP? HTML+JS? Already existing fancy web engine?).
Well, that's another thing to do on 15th Anniversary. I'll be back to that topic next month. End of July is very exhausting for me this year so I haven't enough time for even thinking about the project.
I think we could soon advertise project again. Engine is quite stable, models should soon looks less outdated, most features works properly.
When I last time searched Patreon for projects like our, they didn't have even one patron. This project prove that such campaign need to be either interesting (like Super Hot), or just stupid enough so donating such thing will be made for lelz
avatar - You know what I think? These days money can be found everywhere. Just like mobile phones, Pokemon GO trainers or even atoms. I guess we could just start KickStarter campaign, make some colorful promotional photos with laconic descriptions and BOOM. We have our first 1k$. TerranovaTeam is rich and everyone is happy.
tfw you do your best, but you know that it should be done better
Either it was GRUB reinstallation, or chkdsk command that found and fixed something. Something messed up both Intel GPU and Radeon GPU drivers. Again few aptempts of reinstalling drivers until they'll finally work. GAAAAAAAAAH
@krzys_h : You're right: ./colobot: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. Anyway, thanks for binary-only package for my slow internets Wink .
tested some things myself, looks like I need MORE static libraries..
I'll try this build tonight when I reach my home. Well, end of this month is exhausting for me so much that I have no time and power to even fix and continue my thread about 15th Anniversary.
@krzys_h : You can make alias, if this command doesn't change every release
just please tell me this works -
I don't want to do this ever again