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@krzys_h : not visible for non-admins
Ugh, I've noticed some mistakes, going to fix them immediately!
Not sure if this is visible to everyone or just admins, but may be useful if somebody wants to review the changes:
Aaand the new, better, more clear and written in better (formal) English regulations are done. I generally didn't change the meaning, "only" made it more precise, but I also added some minor points that came to my mind. Generally it should be the same as always. I've changed the numeration significantly to make the future eventual modifications easier. I still recommend to read it carefully.
Mind you, most of the changes are cosmetic, but some of the rules were rewritten and changed their meaning, you should especially take a look at 8 and 13. I think that I'll have to change it even more and the numeration will probably change, as there is currently no clear pattern and some of the rules are redundant, completely unnecessary or split across several one-sentence paragraphs for no reason.
Oh, I hate my English so much! I have to fix my thread somehow today or tomorrow. I hope you guys got the basic idea what I was aiming for? I have to find some time and get some sleep before I fix this post. Gosh, I'm so exhausted...
Oh, @Simbax is admin/moderator again! I'm glad to see you again in green Smile .
The regulations were significantly changed. If someone doesn't agree with them, let me know. I'd like to make some other changes later, because our regulations are generally a mess.
@radioactivity : Yes, yes, yes! I agree with every word that guy says in this fragment.
"From the other side dynamically linked executables use shared libraries compiled in PIC (position independend code) which is slower than "normal" one." It's either that someone doesn't know what they're talking about or they just used incorrect terms.
Speaking about learning programming, just happened to catch this while watching video: 15:30 to 16:58, seems relevant
@Simbax : Something similar in my case
I'd rather not have to build all libraries for static linking manually and I don't think that repositories include them
@RaptorParkowsky Nah, I didn't really think this would work but it was worth a try
@tomangelo : well, programming -> Math works before university, at university it's quite the opposite, because Math becomes some kind of black magic and you just wish you could go back to coding instead of learning one hundred facts about the group theory. Well, at least in my case that's what happened Tongue
Unfortunately tomorrow I'll do that. I have night duty now (oh, I hate my job...). Also probably tomorrow I'll start my new thread about 15th Anniversary development sprint.
If you have data/lang/save/etc directories in separate directories, then run "dbg --args ./colobot --datadir /path/to/data" (same with lang/save/etcdir)
@RaptorParkowsky : try to run game with gdb. Run the terminal in game binary directory, then type "dbg ./colobot"
Well, in my case is better knowledge about programming -> worse grades with math. What's wrong with me?