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So I'm stupid too Sad . But... but I'm supposed to be a clever girl!
Because I try to click it even though I know it doesn't work :p
Goddamn, stop it Simbax, you make me feel stupid
▶ ●──────── 00:28
So bad, I can imagine all those Blupi screams and other sound fx from Epsitec games that we could use in posts and ShoutBox.
Gah, didn't work :C
I didn't know we can include sound files in ShoutBox. ▶ ?──────── 00:28
@krzys_h : Well, I tested that finally. Terminal after typing "./colobot" says only "Naruszenie ochrony pamięci" whatever it means. Should I run that in other, specyfic way?
@RaptorParkowsky It's somewhere on Second page of SB archieve, he wanted you to see if it'll work for you on Linux
I guess that programming is easier to learn when you're older, because you are further in the education process. I started learning Pascal (and tried and failed miserably with C) in elementary school, so this was probably the first time I saw words such as "variable" or "function". In those times my biggest achievement was to write a calculator, it's probably even on the cba forum somewhere.
@radioactivity : Oh, I never saw this link, where @krzys_h was yelling about that? I can't see any in irc logs etc.
Personally, I got much better at Math after learning to code. And vice versa. These two subjects are so similar to each other! The more I know Math, the better I code, the more I know about programming, the better I am in Math. :3
@RaptorParkowsky Krzys_h was yelling at you about this: , but I managed to bury it with my discussion :p
To be honest, I never had problems with programming on basic level or even math. I had no issues with variables, loops, functions . Quite ironically, i learned about these in Colobot. Then there were school, math that weird turtle. I can releate to what you @Simbax are saying about connection with math I myself remember that at some point compared in my head math function with such CBot function, realized that they are exactly same thing, and that blew my mind. Everything I knew up to this point was subjectively easy, which is where my choice of words came from. Then again, my knowledge and experience in serious programming language is limited to cmd window, and I realize that
Nothing than agreement with your statement comes to my mind. So I don't tell anything smarter than: I agree with you.
Everyone has his own rate of processing information, some things are easier, but another thing will be hard to understand, when for second one it will be reversed.
I just don't like the word "easy" or "obvious", because it is most often used as some kind of showing off "it's easy/obvious to me, if it's hard for you then you must be stupid". Although there are circumstances where I must stand it, for example in a book, when easy and obvious is not for me this probably means that something may went wrong in my education and I missed something I should've known by now.
...and even talk fluently.
Whatever is easier for you, I'm just saying that learning anything new is never easy by definition. The concept of a variable in a computer is easier to grasp if you already have learned a similar concept, like a variable in mathematics. But if you can't connect the thing you are learning with anything you already know, then this is where the hardest learning process happens and you are bound to have hard time with that unless you have some natural talent or exceptional intelligence. Learning to walk took you quite a lot of tries, but learning to run after that was much easier. You walk all your life, so you'd say that walking is easy, but if an infant could understand you and you told him that walking is easy, he would probably be angry and he would lose some of his motivation, because he can't yet walk.