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My God, you would think making basic physics for platformer would be easy, you gonna trip over on stairs and slopes, both metaphorically and literally
@zielmicha : Happy Birthday
@zielmicha : Wherever you are, Happy Birthday!
Note to self: Be more productive you bastard!
Note to self: Walking upstairs is pure pain
Note to self: Never check whether object is on ground by checking it's vertical speed
Oh, I could make a model of birthday cake for this anniversary, for some nice pics
So, we need some direction for these 4 months, what to do, who should make xyz (of course if they'll have enough free time), what needs to be done now and what later, etc.
I think such kind of things should be established and at least 25% done by just one person to make them look seamless enough to be a good start before more people start messing with this. That's why I think that only @Simbax could handle it.
What do you mean with finishing code battles?
Well, code battles itself needs to finish, but this is a work for week or two and probably I could do final polish for the content (for example there's too many "!" in the levels descriptions etc.). I think the new programming course would be moved for 0.2.x, but if there's at least one person who could establish the whole process of making this and do one chapter or two, then I wouldn't stop this.
We can always finish invasion mode, even make it as code battle.
Then I think we should consider 0.1.9 to be that 15th Colobot Anniversary release with new model format and @tomangelo & @Adrian finished work. There's theoretically only 3 new big features to do + bug-fixes and other things to polish and release.
@RaptorParkowsky That depends on how much we'll achieve until that point. Releasing 0.2.0 may not be a bad idea, but it needs to really be 0.2.0, not just called like that because we need a big release.
I know that bug isn't technically critical, but in the gamers experience and in it's nature is silly as hell Big Grin .
@krzys_h : Ok, so what are your propositions for 15 anniversary of the Colobot? Maybe 0.1.9 we should release this way?
And there will be no 0.2.0 with just bugfix changes, that's not how versioning works. Read
@RaptorParkowsky I already said that this bug is not critical enough to get a separate bugfix release, so there will be no 0.1.8b. Releasing packages is too much work to make releases weekly, at least until it's automated in some way. I'd rather not have to rebuild all the packages again, and I'm not even done with 0.1.8 Linux ones (mostly because I'm lazy, but anyway).
Well, I think I should start a new thread tomorrow about this sprint and start motivating the people and especially me to do this. After all those flame wars and procrastination there should be a place for real creativity. Colobot deserves that and it's future depends on us.