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We should at least try to do as much as we can until the end of the summer. After that there will be only few things to do without any development sprint and we will be celebrating 15th anniversary of the Colobot calmly. Well, that's just what I'm hoping for.
The main new feature for 15th anniversary would be new @tomangelo models and @Adrian object textures. Some internal refactoring also would be good, but the stability is the main focus. This time there's no place for such silly bugs like entering to the appearance menu.
Well, the game itself doesn't really needs huge changes for 0.2.0. I think this release could be mainly bug fixing instead adding new features etc. It really depends on how many people will be working on that.
Maybe I'll also establish finally the thing about our newly discovered font.
Big jumps like 0.1.8->0.2.0 are usually applied for big changes, making such jump for few bugfixes and smaller features is IMHO confusing.
Changing the logos (all three for ICC, TerranovaTeam and GOLD) would be addtional thing to do for me, but my main focus will be working with @Emxx52 on the release of the OST and other graphics, and of course testing GOLD builds when I finally install Windows.
I would personally release 0.1.9 next month and with 0.2.0 wait until 3 november and make it as best as possible. And after this 15th anniversary release we could finally start faster releases and/or new versioning system.
Or go full Minecraft and make 0.1.10 after 0.1.9
Therefore you can do 0.2.0 after 0.1.8 if you want to
I want to point out that usually version numbers are separate from each other
If we'll make it with 2 releases in 4 months, then ok. Or skip 0.1.9.
Yep. I think about releasing Colobot OST in a official way on YT, SoundCloud, download, etc. With cover arts. Releasing this with GOLD 0.2.0 would be a great thing this year for 15th anniversary.
3 november - checked in calendar. Anniversary release in this day?
Yay! Well, I still have to find out how to manage my free time and fully establish the whole process of making GOLD. I hope we will make this year something really good for Colobot for it's 15th anniversary.
Good news: finally got these AMD drivers to work (at least for now), so I'm currently messing with models.
Also we still don't have 0.1.8 in our download, neither we don't have any release notes on our main site
Probably when krzys_h will have some time to commit fix and rebuild packages.
So when GOLD 0.1.8b?
Colobot: Colonize Them All!
Colobot: Catch Them All!!! Edition