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@tomangelo on finally working IRC logs : About AMD/ATI Radeon - See? Told'dzia, currently NVidia ftw. ;D
There's a lot of problems with skeleton/mesh animations, UV mapping, and even with scale and orientation of the models to be solved before we start making new optimized hi-poly models to be used in-game.
@radioactivity : This topic is about new format of the models supported by the game, not the models remake itself. Models remake probably will be halted or minimized to making only CGI models (for Blender rendering and concept purposes, not to use in game) until all issues about in-game model format will be solved.
The guy bringed up old thread about new models. How advanced you are at making them? I suppose they are halted now, but were anything done about them?
I've heard recently about Flatpacks, that are supposed to fix issues with dependencies and missing libraries in repositories. Anybody knows more about it? Could it work as universal installer for Gold for distros without most up-to-date version of Gold (like Mint)?
It may cause a little lag when pausing on low spec PC's, but it sure decrease machine load when paused, so there's more FPS, or less power consumption when you have v-sync or other fps limiter
That awkward feeling when you finally get money to spend on steam sale, just to realize you aren't interested in games at the moment
It should not. Actually it improves performance as it prevents rendering the world while the game is paused, it only renders an image.
Does blur hit performance on low end computers? Do you care about low end computers?
Oh, and one more thing: do we enable pause blur by default?
I agree with that scene change. It's still quite early stage of development, better change now instead when it'll be more popular and there will be more levels.
The new commits are related to CBot which already has a relatively good test suite, so I don't expect any major problems to arise
I tested it a bit, but I still don't have enough time to check it in details. Also there are new commits in repository, that I didn't tested.
I am 150% ok with change in #759. I didn't tested newest GOLD builds due to known reason and currently I have a modernisation in my house so I don't have access to any of my computers.
And I want somebody (or multiple people) to tell me that they have tested the current dev and made sure it's ready for release
and then finally change in next release
bacause I would like to put up a big warning for incompatible levels saying "this is going to break soon"
I want a decision about before releasing 0.1.8
Oh, 3rd is today
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