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avatar - "The K Desktop Environment uses Kabel in its logo and related artwork." - Oh my... I'm using Mint with KDE and didn't know that! OpenSource project used that font without any problems... (?!)
@tomaszkax86 : Well, we're actually now using GPL-compatible Ubuntu font family and this choise is imo still good. But it's not the same like using original ITC Kabel Std that was used to make COLOBOT logo. Well, it's all about feelings, and looks like @Emxx52 knows about that.
Another question is what for they remade this font to look similar, but not 100% acurate under the same name? They would simply buy the rights to use that font in their products instead. But it looks like they remade this to save a little money and have full rights to their "Kabel" inspired remake.
@RaptorParkowsky how do you know that they didn't ask? It's a big company, they can't do anything stupid or illegal (not publicly at least). Also, as an open source project, we'd have to distribute the font (to keep in the repo at least). So even by buying the font we may not be able to use it unless we get the permission for distribution. This is a complicated situation. Maybe we should ask Pierre about that font, I don't know. We can also simply don't care about anything and just use it, counting on consequences to not appear. Who would care about such an unpopular open source project anyway...
Why not just use different font? There are hundreds of fonts freely available.
I thought it was fixed and waiting for other people to test it?
@Simbax : So why Adobe remade that font without asking Rudolf Koch or someone else now responsible for this font, if they can do that, commit some big changes and release under "Kabel" name? Or any other "remakes" that can be found in the Internet? Anyway, I think it would be better to just buy this font family from somewhere and then we would just use that with almost no limits. Our money have no other use anyway, we don't even need renderfarm or anything that would require our budget.
@tomaszkax86 : UI blur works enough good? Then I would be ok with releasing even now. And it would be even better, if this release will be fully static compiled for all OS'es.
So. Next release when?
While making fonts is fun, it is way too much work. I wouldn't bother trying. Typography is complex and none of us has any real experience with it.
ColobotLogBot is offline again
Great idea! Let's create almost exactly the same font based on this and say it's our own! After all, they allowed us to do so in § 12 of the license they gave to us. Oh, wait. They didn't gave us any. Seriously, have some respect for the authors and copyright laws. What you want to do could actually get us in much more trouble than just using the font with the "unknown" license. If I discovered that someone did that to my work, I'd sue the disrespectful sons of a ***** without second thoughts, I wouldn't probably care that much if I saw someone just using it and it could actually be totally ok as the source let us assume that it is indeed for free. Our font would've been to be completely distinguishable from theirs and I'm sure that it won't satisfy your ridiculous "mathematically correct" needs. We don't even have anyone who knows anything about typography and creating a font is not a trivial task.
So... what do we know about editing standard font packages?
Well, I guess it would be safer if we just recreate this font somehow using avaiable resources in a way that would 100% satisfy my needs about "mathematically correct" and legit font proportions and use our TerranovaTeam GPL license, + of course mention original creator(s) of this font.
From the footer: "Disclaimer: We are checking periodically that all the fonts which can be downloaded from are either shareware, freeware or come under an open source license. If you find any fonts on our website that are not come under aforementioned types, please Report copyright violation immediately."
"Licence: Unknown" means we probably cannot use it, I'm pretty sure that not specifying the license == copyrighted by the autor by default
Why do we still not have a comments swction on the dev blog
I've just created a new dev blog post following @RaptorParkowsky 's suggestion:
This is probably the most accurate version of this font:
Well, we can always use our little budget from donations for this font, as we still don't have other needs to use this money anyway. But unfortunately most downloads (free or expesive) that I can find is the Adobe's variations of this font, which is unfortunately not even 95% accurate with Kabel used by EPSITEC.