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Update: not caused by Release build type.
From 65 fps on default to 80fps at gl33. And few months ago it was only 1fps og gl33
I'm not sure if it's because of Release flaged build, new GPU or there was some optimalisation in meantime, but on gl33 I got more fps than on default engine
Yeah, because our main production designer live in Warsaw too. Wink
That spaceship looks a bit like The Palace of Culture and Science
avatar - I just invited Tom Cruise to reprise his role in my new upcoming movie "CoLoBoT ][: {Black Language}". Here's first picture teaser from this production. You can even see new SpaceShip in the background as well as new spacesuit. We're start shooting this November, at 15th anniversary of Colobot.
Lucky you
I've just came back from the last exam. Finally holidays! Big Grin
With dogs there is also something, that they somehow know you are afraid of them, which might makes them more bold towards you. They can really feel somebody's personality.
@RaptorParkowsky : I had many cats and dogs, cats might be louder than dogs. It really depends on their personality. Especially in spring cats might be loud.
Thank God they don't exist
Flying dogs too? Wink
Mostly flying ones
I am scared of both dogs and insects
Well, I'm scared of every kind of dogs. Even those good raised. They're just nasty and noisy hybrids of rats and bears to me. I highly prefer insects, spiders or reptiles as home pets. And if I really want to hug someone who isn't my species, then I prefer rather a cats. They're all cute and far more quiet than barking-without-logical-reason dogs.
Dogs are cool when they are raised properly. If a dog is not cool, it's probably the owner's fault. I mean, for example, who the hell lets their pets play with CDs? Some people are just careless and break everything. I once saw a bunch of discs spread across the floor in a home with dog and little kids inside. Little brothers and sisters can be a problem too. I think this is one of the reasons I have trust issues :/ And why I prefer digital distribution over the traditional one.
Ough! My Komputer Świat - Gry's magazine version of Colobot once returned from my friend like had been played with by a dog. I really hate borrowing, as much as dogs...
There was a movie?! Everyday one learns something new. I once had the third part, but my friend borrowed it and it returned like it had been played with by a dog. Literally. They're not the most interesting games anyway.
Meh, still movie was imho better ;P. And I forgot my login to Uplay.