Shoutbox archive
Sometimes somebody is assigned just because they are the best person from the team to work on it, but if you see no activity for a long time, feel free to take it if you want
It's nice to leave a comment if you are going to help with an issue during periods of high activity to make sure we won't have two people working on the same thing independently at the same time, but it's not a strict requirement (such a situation happened only once so far iirc)
@diablol If no one is assigned, that usually means nobody is actively working on it or planning to do so in a near future, so you are free to take it
Guess since I've speaked out, I might as well ask; How's progress in last month, generally speaking?
Another editor plugin to the collection https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/ite...-extension
hi, I've got a question. If no one's assigned to issue it means no one's resolving this?
Happy Birthday to our server administrator @zielmicha ! Thanks to him we can freely use that server for our CoLoBoT imagination.
(By public I mean visibility of who voted on what, by private I mean that votes are anonymous.)