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Maybe they don't actually make sounds, but instead generate radio waves which interfere with comm devices in player's suit?
Sound is a wave, that need any medium (air, water). In void there's no such elements, so sound cannot move in there
Technically it's impossible, but there's always some space for video games logic
They also can make these sounds in void, right?
With AlienAnts sounds, my theory is they communicate on frequencies that are mostly inaudible for us and all we hear is that strange sound, while in fact it sound completely different.
Such things must wait until we'll move objects logic out from source code. But it sounds cool
I use also used the idea of robotic-organic aliens in my userlevels. Im totally agreeing with you that aliens should not die after just being touched by beam. Also like idea of alien species that can roll and is invulnerable when rolled up. Shouldn't be too harsh to implement if you get the models.
I don't think it needs to be explained. Aliens being programmed with CBOT are behind scenes, normal player would never know they use CBOT during his playthough
That + their electronic roars always make me think that this race is somehow robots, but organic. I even explained that in my proto-script of the Colobot 2 on PPC that they're consists of nanobots.
I like this idea, but killing even AlienAnts should be harder in GOLD imo. Maybe two shots (2 seconds) from conventional Shooters? Anyway, how to explain that the AlienInsect race uses CBOT?
Imagine Alien Woodlouse, which roll themselves into armored ball, which can't be pierced by weapons, and then roll towards your bots, to open at close range and spew acid all over them, and using Thumper could be only way to render them vulnerable besides close quarters
Speaking of Thumper, adding enemies who can't be one-shotted by any weapon, but can be stunned by thumper, would easily add good reason for Thumper to exist in general
Or just straight up allow you to capture it
You could use thumper to for example disable Alien Insect in order to safely analyze it. Like scan with some sort of scanning device
or at least the reason of introducing it
but that kinda defeats the purpose for the Thumper to even exist, doesn't it?
Well, that also would be a great oppurtunity for Blupi and Bad Guys cameo from BuzzingCars...
Adding local species endangered by Alien Insects pretty much gives us right to put the "Go there and wreak havoc on bugs" without giving very specific reason why and at same time not making it weird :p
Original missions are sometimes ridiculous, so we have quite big space for improvisation with simplify of universe and plot
Well, it still have more sense that "land in this position, where you will be attacked by some wild AlienAnts and then just leave this position"