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Welcome to the real world. Now start acting like an adult so we can go to our homes.
No, I can't, because we're still in the same stage as we were few years ago. Nothing changed. Senseless flamewars still happen. Chaos still happens. No organisation. Ignoring decisions. Ignoring responsibilities. You want me to shut up? There is something which starts with 'b' and ends with 'an'. I'm surprised that no one throughout the years didn't notice how many times I broke the rules. I suffered no consequences of my actions even if I explicitly asked someone to punish me. What makes you so afraid of that? Am I not destroying the happy atmosphere here right now? Am I not doing nothing? I have no powers! There will be no better occasion! I'm not growing up!
Could you please stop? The more you're acting like that, the more verticles loose their meshes.
Because none of the admins gave a *cut*, even though I've already done half of the job by reporting the god damn post with a proper reason stated, few simple clicks away and the thread would end up in the right place in half a minute. I'm pretty well aware that talking doesn't get *cut* done, but imagine that everyone have different things to do everyday and there is often no time or energy left for Colobot. ShoutBox is a place where one was supposed to casually talk about something, but apparently that's a crime too. Sorry for talking, we should work in silence and don't talk to each other, of course. I've asked many times if someone wants to contribute, I've left quite a nice document, given edit permissions, when the first version was being implemented there was even a card of Trello with, guess what, two people signed, I'm giving all the opportunities and encouragement I can to make people motivated, nothing has really worked until there was a huge complain. It always was working like that, nothing changed throughout the years despite all the tries. And do I really have to ask when they have time? Everyone has time when they have time, what is there to ask? Am I supposed to spam people everyday until they git commit or what?
Where did all my reputation points come from, I'm wondering... Let me count: knowing nothing about design, constantly complaining, doing nothing, terrorising people, insulting people, giving bad ideas like switching community language to English, offtoping in ShoutBox, offtoping on IRC, counter-productive trolling, strong language, giving more bad ideas, enforcing rules on a small forum, not being addicted to Colobot, stating strong opinions, causing flamewars, participating in flamewars, making people feel like criminals, existing in this world. Wow, and I haven't received any warning or ban in my life, quite the opposite. What a wonderful place the Internet is.
If this is a very minor issue, then why are you even complaining? You are a "bad guy" because you complain too much lately. Talking doesn't get *cut* done. You want people to contribute to new programming course? How about you ask how many people want to and when they have time to do all that? Same thing can be said about new models and textures by the way.
"what rules" I don't know, after all I'm only an "angielski diabełek" who does nothing but giving people warnings and complaining. I've never called anyone a 'criminal', the report was actually about the forum category which is a very minor issue, but yeah, I'm the bad guy here, always. Tell me more about how many people contributed to the new programming course.
Keep calm and make CoLoBoTs Smile
What rules? About switching default language to English and using English where necessary? So far it has only pushed some people away while bringing not as many as we thought it would. Adrian came back and started being productive, unlike the majority of our community that has been doing pretty much nothing. But of course rules make him a criminal because he posted in the wrong place.
I once told that I'm not going to touch any moderator's features until I go back home, to my PC. I don't want to mess something up accidentally on mobile. So bad this forum doesn't any mobile, fully functional version.
Glad to see that there's someone else that cares about order, because not a single *cut* was given for today's morning report from several so called "admins" who WERE online until @Emxx52 saw it. You all can ++ every post about growing up as you want, but this won't change or hide anything about your real behaviour. You just want to live in anarchy, eh? State this explicitly instead of pretending to care about rules and at the same time hating the person who actually respects the rules. Oh god, do I hate this community so much sometimes.
nevermind... my psu is too weak for this version
This card has only 1gb more
i nie w kwestii lingwistyki ani rysowania. chodzi mi o to, za co się wziąć a za co nie
no witam Raptorka. miło, że nadal używasz tego wspaniałego awatara, który Ci podsunąłem Big Grin ogłaszam, że jestem w gotowości do podjęcia prac nad 2D, ale musiałbym mieć kogoś, kto za rączkę by mnie poprowadził
I couldn't find how PowerColor cooler works, so I linked Sapphire 5870 instead, but PowerColor should be good too
@DavidaD: then this 5870 should be good