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I am probably single person on planet who is glad that Microsoft decided for me when to update to Win10, otherwise I'd wait until it's too late Tongue
But it's working even on Moon, without atmosphere. This theory is busted.
Maybe there are hybrid engines, powered with both electric power and with some chemical reactions with atmosphere. Energy cannot be taken from ground in robots, so it need to be stored in cells, while atmosphere is "unlimited", so it doesn't need to be stored anywhere.
Well, I guess there's no electric engines such small that can be mounted into bots in this franchise.
Bots aren't Aliens Tongue . Well, they probably somehow convert electric power into fuel or something else.
Or how robots make smoke from exhaust, when they're powered by electric cells
On old PPC forum I tried to explain that in my very old Colobot 2 proto-script.
Except for giant ferns, which somehow managed to not only settle all alien planets, but also Earth
And are only lifeforms living on these planets as well?
But seriously, have you ever wondered how did the aliens got to all these planets?
It's a freakin game.
I have a theory about that...
For example, how exactly AlienInsects do their electric roars? How they produce orga balls? How infect bots?
I guess we should find some new topics instead remaking old discussions. Well, what about Alien biology?
Ough! Aaand I just started another nasty flamewar. I really should cure my jokes that only I understand and enjoy. @Simbax I just meant that in this community we always talk the same at the same topics. Even constructive arguing about OS, games, etc. can be boring.
I don't know, maybe let's talk about school, work, weather, space, anything (without politics and religion, these always lead to war). There must be some topics we could all peacefully discuss about.
I'm here almost every day. But I don't feel like talking with myself.
I think I spend too much on the forum and I'm just a guy arguing with everyone. I'm not even a good moderator. I should really take a break from writing anything here for a little while. Maybe it'll be better for the project. I just don't get how to interact with people. Yeah, a break. Enjoy your discussions or... silence.
Well, misconception from my side. Didn't mean actual flamewars, just arguing about 2-3 topics again and again.
WTF. Are you serious? One can't talk about ANYTHING in this community nowadays... Everything is a war, everything is offensive, give me a break... I totally fail to see any war here in this case, could you enlighten me? It's because of the word "*cut*"? Oh, that's gross! I shall get myself arrested by the Internet police immediately.