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Either we are quiet, or making wars about IDE/OS/Games/models.
Oh, so now no one can state any strong opinion without calling it a "flame war"? I don't recall bashing anyone because of what they use.
This community is so fragile on OS related flame wars... Well, I think I just join to you guys and say that the best OS is, as always, Windows 2000 Professional.
As long as making it good is within your human capabilities. When people are counting the benefits of Linux, I can totally understand why they're using it. But those benefits are worthless to me with all the flaws. Outside of server rooms and programmer offices, I see no reason to use it.
I haven't touched Linux for a few years now and I don't complain. Windows gives me everything I need and it's very stable for my development needs. When I complain about something, it's mostly related to free libraries.
If you want to read about how great Open Source communities can be, just read about ffmpeg vs libav:
Basically everything is good as long as you know how to make it good.
I've heard it's pretty good system to run dedicated Minecraft server
@Simbax there sure has to be benefit of using Linux
So I'll be probably passing this game in about 12-15 hours. Anyway nice graphics, especially motion-blur.
@tomangelo : no, it's not a roulette. I had to deal with many different machines in my life, I'd say that the probability of just being lucky here is quite small. It depends on what you're expecting from your system. Linux simply stays in my way most of the time, especially when it comes to game developing, graphics-related things and a lot of times applications I needed to work with just didn't work, so I had to switch to Windows from second partition everyday a few times anyway, which was frustrating in the long run. The only reason for me to use Linux was C/C++ programming, specifically Colobot, but since I learned how to create an even more comfortable development environment on Windows, I have no reason at all to use Linux other than having a source of technical puzzles everyday. The situation is changing a little, but it's still a far way to go.
@RaptorParkowsky : IKR, it still gives me little goosebumps in daylight even though I know every script in every corner. It took me over 10 hours to beat it in sessions of half to one hour a day, but it depends on how much you're exploring, how good you're at avoiding monsters and how fast you can solve puzzles, which are not trivial, especially near the end. The scariest part is the Prison IMHO, many people say it's the Choir. Long way to those places though Tongue
I know it, I just wanted to express my astonishment about hybrid GPU solution.
If you render with CUDA you're using GeForce GPU, Intel doesn't have CUDA.
It's cool that I'm able to render with CUDA even while I'm using Intel integrated GPU as master. Now I can render a movie and watch a movie at the same time Smile .
So it's like roulette if you have issues on one OS or another
I didn't had to deal with updates that may destroy existing OS instalation nor break applications
@Simbax : Well, on Debian I didn't had to handle with Intel GPU crashing every time I open Windows and BSODing after it goes in sleep mode
Amnesia is actually pretty scary. I was playing on 00:34 am today and after ~10 minutes just couldn't playing more. I hope this game isn't very long like for example Cry of Fear thingie or Half-Life 1 & 2?
My GPU is awesome. Small, quiet, cool and fast. And low-power consuming. Perfect startup to making CUDA.