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Some Open Source communities really suck. Imagine GNOME 3, "modern" desktop environment. You want to use something as trivial as volume change keyboard keys. But the step is too high, instead of 2% increase in volume with each press you get +10%. You'd think that solving it is as easy as changing one global variable, well, nope! You read in the issue in their tracker a lot of people complaining, some pull requests denied. Why? Because they have their "terrific" algorithm and they know better than their users (of course one hidden global variable is going to destroy simplicity!), so basically it was clear to me that what they mean is "*cut* off, that's yours problem, get used to it or get out". It was this time when I realized how often Linux makes you solve problems non-existent in any other platforms and its creators care more about their ideologies than about users. They'll say I've sold my soul to a corporation, well, at least I don't have to wake up every morning wondering what wonderful irritating problems I'll need to solve today in order to install a *cut* game or an application I precisely need which has no alternatives or how am I going to struggle the whole day to get a 15-minute solution to a not-OS related problem finally working.
avatar - JPEG compression destroyed it a little, but this is how this was meant to look like. My old PC would render this frame with the same raytracing settings and resolution in ~2 days.
@RaptorParkowsky and here I am unable to create an empty file using Linux console
They are satisfying to solve until you realize at some point that you are actually wasting more time on OS-related problems than solving the real problems. I've used too many distros and had too many problems to be willing to come back to this hell again.
@Simbax : Solving Linux problems is actually more satisfying than Windows. It bring back the memories from the past, when I was discovering my lovely Windows 95/95/2000. It's such a fresh feeling in modern GNU/Linux form. And well, I'm really proud of myself that I broke Xserver only once to make CUDA actually happen.
Now imagine how all this would not have happened on Windows :>
I've just realised I linked Windows binary :|
Well, root is somehow required to be able to activate other rendering device than CPU in most Linux distros. Oh man, I'm so happy Big Grin ! Finally rendering in HD, FullHD or even in 4k should be #chlebpowszedni
avatar - Phew... I downloaded standalone official Blender 2.77a build from official website and finally got this work. Looks like this unofficial Blender repo that I installed to have newest version somehow sucks. Well, still that's better than official stable Mint's repo with "most-up-to-date" Blender 2.68...
btw why running Blender as root?
Maybe this build ? It has CUDA 5.2, so it should work
lolwut? It must be some bug, or something
avatar - Now I'm getting angry. I finally somehow installed all drivers and packages and enabled GPU rendering device in Blender, but of course there's always something bad! As far as I know Blender requires CUDA 2.0 to get this work, so why this damn thing requires CUDA 7.5? Well, I guess I should try another Blender build...
I hope so
There'll be more events like this when we'll be more famous.
Sometimes I really miss that day when I was "CoLoBoT teacher" in Devoxx4Kids. This day was one of greatest of CoLoBoT history. So bad that only I can feel that. This feeling is way too personal I think.
@True_Destroyer : Happy Birthday
There's no such thing like weekend for me, unfortunately.
It's only 3 days to weekend