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Oh, man, do I hate Tuesdays...
@Simbax : Well, ++. I hope they will learn something about that and in the next decade there will be equality and justice for multiplatform solutions.
@True Destroyer : Happy Birthday!
They don't want my money, they won't get my money. It's not like I'm going to die if I don't play their exclusives. If I'm really interested in one, there are let's plays and sometimes emulators, but it rarely happens.
So bad those platforms can't be easily emulated.
Actually I would buy PS Vita or PS3/4 for only few games that aren't ported to any PC compatible OS or Android, so yeah, consoles are real struggle in the merchandise.
Consoles are cheaper (excluding games) and smaller than typical PC, but that's all they're better at.
PS Vita, I think
From my experience, consoles only cause troubles to [indie] game developers. Especially modern equivalent of PSP, however it's called
Consoles, obviously
As long as developers are tied to PS4/XBO performance and same look, they won't. Unless they'll be really badly optimised.
I'm afraid most games won't be able to use all GPU power, even after moving to Vulkan/Direct3D 12.
After PC upgrading I'm still somehow amazed how games are good looking in ≥ 60fps. So. Much. Powerness. And still don't know how use it fully and wisely.
Thanks. Long time go I've found the Linux build having some little bugs in physics and lightning for some unknown reason, so don't be mad if you see weirdly placed objects penetrating desks or something... I've not encountered those on the Windows build ever, well, with an exception of poorly made mods.
See? Nobody cares. @Simbax , nice post on your blog. BTW today I realized that "Amnesia: The Dark Descent" is ported to Linux/SteamOS and I just downloaded this game. I'll be testing how it works probably tomorrow.
Simbax, nice hat
Once I had on my notebook an issue with shooting particles. The Shooter bots sometimes couldn't kill a target that was in a straight line 40 meters in front of the bot. Shooting particles just "loose it's power" before hit the target.
Damage particles in the whole game needs to be optimized. They should be only graphical effects, real damage should be caused by something else, at least in few cases. Simulation particle effects is in fact limited and more particles means less simulation accuracy.
I noticed that in my modded userlevels, with lots of aliens, sometimes ants while shooting will not cast projectiles (80% of the times) and spider explosions wont damage anything (99% of the times). Is it related to particle effect limitations? Any ideas besides "reduce number of aliens"?