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Because of constant mess, flame wars, spam... The rules exist for several reasons! They are not there just to make our lifes harder. If we won't be enforcing them, they could be as well non-existent, and where there are no rules there is anarchy, and where is anarchy there is chaos.
about "You will be banned", and several other threads. - Why so harsh rules when there's hardly any activity on the forum and 80% active people are moderators/administratorsSad? Yet i see people getting warned or banned, weird xd
That's the problem, I didn't skip almost anything. Passing Gothic II took ~250h of my life.
Also why no >30h games?
@RaptorParkowsky : only 30 hours? Quite fast, or did you just skip all side quests?
LiS is a wild emotional ride with crash at the end Tongue You should play it, at some point
I have to admit, I didn't play both of these myself, I just watched some let's play. But still, they are pretty darn good
Dude, I'm on emotional crack because of Life is Strange. How ironic
Come to think about it, since a few days I'm thinking nothing but about SOMA. The best Sci-Fi storytelling I've ever experienced. I also want to mod it at some point.
Oh yes, TV series and movies count to that too. I'm afraid to touch Life is Strange even though I have all episodes simply because I want to have a clear mind and basing on the opinions on the Internet, I'm 100% sure I'll lose my mind after ending for at least a week or two.
Well, I guess me too should find some time for my favourite Crichton's books. Let's begin with "The Andromeda Strain" with all movie adaptations...
Sometimes is good to go back to books. I also lost my mind after finishing Gothic II few years ago. I'll never touch any game that require more than 30 hours of full experience playing. Gothic II was just huge with a little bit disappointing final chapter.
I should not have contact with games that cause emotions, they make me lose mind
Depends on the operating system, it's stored next to save files. On windows in C:\Users\username\colobot\files, on Linux ~/.local/share/colobot/files
k, thx. Another question ,does file class work in Colobot Gold? If so where is the file folder where text files are stored?
It will change in future, but for now it must be done by such workarounds.
Make a dummy program that doesn't do anything and put public functions and classes inside of it. Load it into some bot and other bots will be able to access them. For now that's all we have.
(if its possible to add user function library as mod? Or maybe #includes work in ceebot somehow?).
Have you considered increasing the number of built in functions (or structures) in ceebot in Colobot Gold? If not how would you recommend to release them as mods?