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@Simbax AFAIK SOMA loads levels when you are in floodgates
Meh, SOMA's still badly optimized. Frequent FPS drops from 50 to 20 even, it might be related to the disk as the game seems to be loading levels live (there are almost no loading screens) and the disk is just slow. Still, after it ends loading the FPS is far from being right considering that the game isn't really sophisticated that much in terms of graphics. I really admire their engine, mainly because of its simplicity and mod support, but it's not technically the best software ever.
On Radeons it will be OpenCL rather than CUDA.
I guess this may be somewhat helpful in CUDA rendering in Blender. As long as I know, there's still some issues that several big scenes doesn't render on GPU because their demanding of VRAM.
In some cases it even may decrease performance, since you have less available system RAM
@DavivaD : HyperMemory uses some system RAM as video RAM, so you'll have more RAM on video card, but at cost of system RAM. Also this "fake" video RAM is somewhat slower than real video RAM, so only performance boost will be only noticeable if your card have too small own RAM
"I see you are happy with where you were in your life, so here is a dream that will make you feel lonely and miserable. Oh, also, f*** you ~~Your brain" щ(゚Д゚щ)
HyperMemory in GPU gives more performace? Because I have Radeon XFX Radeon HD 5450 with HyperMemory Support.
Also it heats up quite fast, so it's like I can't use full performance of this GPU while playing.
And yes, mobile GPUs sucks for gaming. My Radeon M375 have similar performance to my +/- 8 years old GeForce 9800GT, that's slower than current mid end desktop GPUs.
Adding ragdoll physics for every object to Battlefield doesn't make it better game (I'm not saying it's very bad, just in case). It would only eat CPU even more.
My critic is logical most of the time, but I have some brain/language issues that can not allow me to explain every single thing of my thoughts. And well, try different drivers for GPU in your notebook, maybe that will help somehow.
SOMA works great on my PC (50-60 fps), so the mobile GPU must be bad, although I'm surprised considering the fact it can run Hitman: Absolution. Maybe it's not that badly optimized as I thought.
Because your critic often sucks and is illogical.
@Simbax : Why you always react so at my any constructive critic? Portal isn't only about portal puzzles, but also about exploring mysterious places with cool story behind it. Adding good physics to the gaming experience would be really cool in this franchise. And I'm totally aware how CPU is overloaded while physics simulation.
In SOMA and other Frictional Games' productions you can interact with almost everything... And it has soul. Although, you still can't just criticize games for not having physics FFS (do you even know how much collisions can eat your processor?), you were supposed to use portals not throw things around. It's like criticizing Pacman for not being Tetris.
And such games have almost no soul. Everything is so photorealistic but it feels like a mesh without any life. You can not grab random items, use it or destroy. Good example is some differences between Half-Life 2 and Portal 1/2. In Portals you can't interact with almost everything (especially in the second one), which is unforgivable especially as they used one of the most advanced engines with good physics called Source. Good thing is that Portals have enough interesting gameplay and plot to be still enjoyable. Of course optimized physics is somehow good in this game, but I just feel bad without exploring mysterious locations in Trespasser's way...
The question is if they are badly optimized or they just got much more complicated... In SOMA there were a lot of points where FPS would go from 55 to 25. Maybe there are just many objects to render at once. Old games feel kind of empty, newer games are much more detailed which makes virtual words more immersive and gorgeous, but more demanding.