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Still most of them are reduced in details to make them run on consoles, because they don't want to make separate versions for different platforms
I don't like when a new game is released and pretty much no medium hardware can run it well enough. Then we need a dedicated gamer PC which is something I really don't want to spend my money on.
I didn't like monitors with high resolutions because there are usually issues when scaling to lower resolutions and full HD is quite demanding for games. But I'd buy it now, because so much space for IDE is awesome.
It's fine until there is a game that you know is good and want to play it, but at the same time it needs better hardware than you already have.
I wouldn't bother with most modern games, they're not worth the effort. And as much as I like good graphics in games, without enjoyable gameplay there's no point in HD graphics.
Well, next thing to buy after Blu-ray external drive is probably FullHD or 2K monitor. My current 1280x1024 is really good for graphics, but have no HDMI input and is too tight, especially for Blender.
So I'm not alone here with beating Witcher 2 on lowest settings watching slideshow
I once beat The Witcher 2 on 800x600 and the lowest settings with an average of 20 fps. Most fonts were unreadable (and it was RPG, so reading was quite essential) and it was painful to look at the screen, but I was so desperate because of my pre-ordered collectors' edition that I still beat it and actually had fun doing that. SOMA having 30 fps with the highest settings in this low resolution was a much more pleasant experience, even though I'm looking enviously at YouTube videos where the game is running in full HD at 60 fps with highest settings... It's so smooth, so sharp... Damn. I don't even have a full HD monitor, yet everyone is talking about Virtual Reality stuff, and I'm here happy enough that new games at least run...
Back to topic of SOMA: I just found it's PC requirements and well. Indeed it's so badly optimized. Even on my new PC it would be hard to make it work probably. Well, the only one of recent games that interests me to play on my new hardware is probably "Alien: Isolation" and nothing newest than that.
I don't understand your sense of humour at all.
Well, I guess you just don't understand my sense of humour in English version, so it will be safer to completely not use it in TerranovaTeam if being funny names me an ignorant. I'll be serious as hell, no joking anymore then.
@Simbax : "Being friendly is hard it seems." - Did I said something unfriendly? I thought you know me and my sense of humour. Or maybe should I joking in Polish?
It's more complicated than just "eating people alive", but trying to explain something to an ignorant is pointless.
Well, sort of
This is a game about monsters eating people alive
avatar - I want this game with todays graphics so much! #eatingalive #90's #raptorultimatepredator #peoplescreamlikeababies #notentaclesincluded
Ha. Ha. Very funny. Being friendly is hard it seems.
Do you really want me to play such lewd game with kissing and tentacles D: ? No! As long as this is not a game about monsters eating people alive, I'm not going to touch it even by my single cellule.
@RaptorParkowsky I think you would like it. The story makes you ask questions about the real meaning of being human, what does it mean to be alive... A lot of philosophy and great Sci-Fi horror environment. Although the game is really badly optimized for how it looks, I will test how it works on my PC, but on my laptop I had to play in 800x600 and still had problems in some areas to maintain stable 30 fps.