Ouch, that hurts...
Shoutbox archive
The feeling when after all these years you finally manage to beat the game of your childhood, Ghost Master, and it crashes during the ending cutscene every time. ;_;
Screenshot of the day: http://i.imgur.com/NO0YOnN.png - Guess, what I'm trying to do with Colobot: Gold Edition logo now . (sorry for antialiasing=0 screenshot)
Which part of "I should delete this thread with no mercy, but I'm too soft, so I'm giving you three days to delete it yourself. You can create seperate threads for each idea or not, I don't care. If I see this thread after three days from now I'm going to delete it and give you 2 warnings instead of one." do you not understand?
How it was with wiki? Was it supposed to remake wiki, or make SatCom online? I've forgot how it was accepted
Simply clear the threads that redirect to other threads, or the ones you find ridiculous.
Wyczyszczenie tego wszystkiego może wymagać aktywowania CUDÓW. He He He...
Ok, I'm back in home, with my new GPU. And somehow I don't want waste my time and power for cleaning all this flood or even reading it. What should I do: A: Clean this stuff. B: Enable somehow this CUDA thingie for Blender.