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I only have 1 question: is it possible to use integrated GPU and switch to this GPU without reseting computer and swithing video cable? Or is it possible to use motherboard's D-SUB video out while this GPU will be working? I still have my good, old monitor without any DVI or HDMI input and I would avoid buing any Chinese "przejściówka" thingie.
Most of my favourite games still works with DX9, even DX6, so I don't care for DX12 for next 2-3 years. My current motherboard is such a cool thing that I can always buy something better anyway. I guess I'm safe for next 5 years with this motherboard.
Specification says it doesn't support DirectX 12, only DirectX 11.2, but I don't know if you'll need that, and hardware support for OpenGL 4.4
I'm pretty sure you can use it just fine
Writing an application from scratch can be troublesome if you aren't familiar with techniques used on the platform and language. It takes time to learn stuff, so be patient. I'm pretty sure you'll get better. And don't worry about mistakes, it's part of the learning process.
After second thought I decided to buy much cheaper GPU. I don't really need any hi-end graphic device for over 1k PLN, especially that I'm not interested in playing most of the modern games. I just need basic CUDA rendering device, quiet and cool. My current favourite: . Any suggestions?
You'll get more comfortable designing projects properly once you complete many of them. Like you said, it's easier when you just write a program first without worrying about its structure. This is because you'll know which design choices are better than others at some aspects, so you'll know which one can be chosen for a particular problem.
I think i'm worrying about writing clean code too much. Thinking too much beforehand, when finally coding, I just end up with gratuitously complicated and confusing code, which fails as clean code anyway. It's easier to write a program that works and refactor it later if needed, especially that my on paper designs of the OOP structure of projects often don't work in reality at all.
It's like, you make calculator, and show it to teacher and he is like "Divide by 0. Checkmate bruh. You failed"
Teachers are just the worst
Well, I had several problems with understanding the ambiguous requirements and they suddenly changed (not much though) when I was halfway through. Maybe if I had had a clear view of what I was supposed to achieve, I wouldn't have spend that much time on it. People are always joking that the hardest part of the job is to understand what the hell a client (in this case teacher) really wants, I guess it's true.
Less, right? That's because you know how to do it. This is learning. When doing something new, you don't just spend time on doing it, you also spend time learning and experimenting.
Considering it took you 15 hours to make it, now think about how much time would you need to write the same program from scratch.
Programming is not just knowing programming languages. It is also knowing APIs, IDEs, programming methodologies, algorithms, and various tricks.
How bad am I in programming if creating this stupidly simple graphics editor took me roughly 15 hours in total? (sorry for Polish)
Install Windows 7 Ultimate, and you have Windows XP onboard too.
Praise Microsoft for free trial VMs of Windows, that's some really useful stuff for running old games
Just kidding. Happy birthday @krzys_h !