Why did you use a very long name for a function?
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I already proposed adding Lua, but this is something we can't do at the moment. Code of the game is too convoluted to add something new without breaking other stuff.
Maybe Colobot would use real exisiting programming language? It's nice when you start and already work with real code.
Besides, arrays in CBot are not arrays, they are linked lists with growing size
As in my brainfuck interpreter. Also you can't use switch with strings and have to fill array manually with zeros. For example in C++ we can write "int array[5] = {0};" to fill with zeros, and in Java we don't have to do anything. In CBOT we can't even check if array field is initialized so we have to fill it manually before.
Or (and I assume this is more likely option) would you need to make your program "able" to interpret these files?
Can you in C++ make your program execute fragment of code from external (uncompiled?) file?
You need to actually write strmid(s,i,1) to get a single character... #justcbotthings
Really, strings need improvements in CBOT. They don't feel like they were objects at all, but at the same time they aren't arrays of chars either. It's weird.
it is legit if strmid takes an object of type string and an integer as arguments