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There are stability issues with various types of software. Most normal users shouldn't experience them, but developers might have problems with some tools. One of my colleagues couldn't get Visual Studio to work properly. Another person had some ridiculous issues with LaTeX editor. I have no reasons to change my system right now and I definitely won't in the nearest future.
Although I must say that I didn't use the upgrade option, I've only done clean installations of Technical Preview releases and one standard edition. I know that there are problems on Samsung notebooks (10 won't install, because the network card is not compatible or smth), but Samsung sucks in general in my opinion and I don't think it's Microsoft's fault. I've had no other bad experiences with 10 whatsoever.
10 was bad when it was released, but after the 2015 November update it's the best Windows that ever existed. I've installed it on 3 different computers, one of which had had bad performance issues even with GNU/Linux OSes, but it worked like a charm with Windows 10 on board (I was surprised myself). I don't know why people say it's not working well, I always just assume that they installed an old version, but I may be just lucky with my hardware being compatible with 10.
It's kind of roulette. Some users got better performance, some got lags and errors.
But on serious note, is it worth upgrading to Win10 (form 8.1)? Tried asking irl friends but they all decided to wait with upgrading, for same reasons I did (which is not helpful)
Windows without reinforced concrete suck, AMIRITE?
WHAT? I want my old version of Windows that actually had reinforced concrete back!
I couldn't resist
Senseless Polish translations, episode 56746.
Windows 10 doesn't have reinforced concrete. Definitely not installing it now!
Did somebody got lost in the woods?
There is and Helicopter flying around nearby forest with searchlight on
There were discussion so hot, it ended up with a burn
@Schocker some of them are because moving to another forum marks posts as unread
You go away for the weekend and boom, 124 posts. Damn!
I made a battle in which you can't use flying bots
Well, still quite useless
But if someone will make duel level without rivers and other similar borders, then Thumper would be used to mess a bit with their bots.
With that kocking-up bots - it wouldn't work for flying bots. And I know that it would be useless in (current) official duel level, since attack will require flying bots.
Something to address in Colobot 2