Butterfly effect again, this would not happen if I was less lazy and careless.
Shoutbox archive
What issue? Anyway, scaling totally doesn't matter in vector graphics, I've probably just wanted to post the logos as soon as possible and forgot that they need a little polish here and there.
Maybe it's issue with scaling? Like you made logo in certain resolution, and when it was scaled down/up it changed dimensions a little?
No xD I don't remember how this feature is called in Inkscape, but you can drag lines from rulers and then snap objects to them.
Although this "This wasn't supposed to work like that from scratch, it's only an accident." is probably not true. I've probably been using rulers during making this logo to keep things aligned to each other.
If it wasn't for his attitude I'd be probably the one who would be whining the most about changing the logos.
Yeah, when I saw these flaws I was thinking to myself "how did I let that happen in the first place".
One thing he needs to get credit for is pointing out flaws on logos, roundness and lack of symmetry on these puzzly parts
TBH, I think if these logos were indeed perfect there wouldn't be any drama. Most of us would just vote for them and that'd be end of the story. He just refused to accept any criticism of changes that could be easily done and that's when it all started. At the beginning the thread looks like a normal discussion.
I still don't like this #00FF00 green though. Even the 3D version is darker, even if it is only because of lighting, but well, you can't render 3D without lighting.
Remember our discussion about rounded platforms? When I was upset I didn't wanted anymore to work on models. When I've cooled down, I withdrew from that promise. I was a bit like @RaptorParkowsky then.
Eh, I feel so ashamed right now. I shouldn't have invited him to the Google Document. I've just made a fool of myself publicly. Sorry. I know I'm this "melodramatic" type of guy. Emotions are fogging my judgement of the situation.
Ha, the moment he is back will result in a next drama. People don't change when they don't want to.