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In case somebody missed that on IRC, the 0.1.7 builds are waiting to be tested -
But there are not so many games using that, at least I didn't heard about one
@tomangelo I think Unreal Engine supports Vulkan already
Still, there aren't Vulkan apps currently, there are only demos
@tomaszkax86 : Well, I have already set the Nvidia GPU as preferred one, I see no reason why would someone want to use the Intel integrated one by default other than battery life, but when you're running on battery then you surely shouldn't be playing demanding games or rendering stuff.
Nvidia GPU support Vulkan API from GeForce 6xx series
As long as you have newest drivers, you should be able to use it. Although you'll probably need to run Vulkan-based apps explicitly using nVidia card if you have integrated graphics too.
I have GeForce 920M and I can confirm it supports Vulkan just fine, although it is slow right now
I think the newest Nvidia driver for my GeForce 920M just added support for Vulkan API, although I can't find anywhere on the Internet an information that notebook GPUs are supported. The Vulkan API is just listed in a brief changelog.
Still most of the animations will be working through the code propably, they're designed in that way.
Animations aren't done, since engine in current state doesn't support them, in 0.1.9 release we want to implement new model format which will allow us to add animations in model files, instead of moving parts with engine code
@Smok : Well, there is Colobot-Model-Converter repo linked in my repo, which will allow you to convert models mod<->obj, you need Python 3 to run this.
@Smok : That's actually a good question... Well, animations and a lot of object logic are still hardcoded so BuilderBots will be probably in GOLD-0.2.X. Models can be opened in Blender. I even managed to start complete remastering of the models but I'll start to share results after some refactorings. @tomangelo also started refreshing the old models a little. See that repo for more info:
I have skills in Blender etc. but I actualy want know how to animate and export models for Colobot. And why builder bot isn't implemented yet, though all needed functionalities like building and moving are in game?
@krzys_h : That even isn't any "new" logo, only polished old one. And why don't make new logo, aren't we going to be more multitasked organization? What other could I do as a graphic-man beside GOLD-0.1.7 testing? Of course there's a lot of textures of the lensflares and sky to remake for GOLD, but I was unsure they would be enough polished for 0.1.7 release so I decided to move that to 0.1.8.
@krzys_h : If nobody confirms that, then ok. I think it's enough stable to release it even today. But please, do something with that goto() in release final build and do Linux binaries before Windows. I still don't get that why 0.1.5 and 0.1.6 don't have any official Linux builds...
@Emxx52 : Nothing is fine now. You guys destroy everything and don't even bother.
@RaptorParkowsky Instead of making new logos we don't need you'd better give me a progress report on testing 0.1.7. Is there anything left except Raptor-only issue #738? I'd like to release it this weekend if possible.
Sorry for that, everything should be fine now ;P
I recalculated poll counters cache, @Emxx52 check if it counted the one you wanted or the other one