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@tomangelo : I think "they" should do some basic research first before they start mess up with someone's cloud storage.
Well, who really know that Colobot is now open-source but us?
Well, it's not a very big loss (I still have this CD from KŚ:Gry magazine with full Colobot "-nocd" compilation), but I have to try respond them and link them our license Tongue .
Recently on my old and almost unused account: - OMG. So they don't know anything about that the Colobot is now free and open? Suckers...
Oh my, how romantic :')
Once day I accidentaly lost my whole love letter that I was writing on my Gmail by few days. I just clicked on "Cancel" button as I thought this will remove only my all not-very-important changes and my love letter will be still as working copy. Then, my heart was broken and I never started writing books on Gmail again...
I agree with @RaptorParkowsky and @Simbax , if something may go wrong, then it probably willl go this way. For example somebody will habitually click Send instead of Save and there comes the explaining that we send something one of us doesn't approved.
Listen to @RaptorParkowsky , he's right. I'm the guy who accidentally clicked the wrong button many times and trust me, it's better to minimize the probability of such an "accident" to minimum or there WILL be unforeseen consequences sooner or later...
@RaptorParkowsky : I don't think so. The button is too small to hit unintentionally, and if you hit it by mistake then well.. you should be thinking about what you are doing. You may well set the document on google docs to public by mistake. Tongue
@krzys_h from IRC: But you can always accidentaly click "Send" before you finish the letter itself.
avatar why is this page still not written, I don't even...
Nothing did work out for us in terms of organisation, just saying. Anyway, I don't care, if it's that important then create a poll on the forum or IRC.
The only official information about trello is in Polish and it says that Trello is in a test period currently -
And if you look into this futher, Trello is not our official source of such information. We just decided to give it a go and see if it works out for us. I personally don't think it did because it's not maintained constantly, it's updated with all the things that happen in the community like every half a year or so.
@Simbax There was no official statement that the voting has ended and the decision has been approved. Many people probably didn't even see the poll on Trello. I didn't see it before email from trello today in the morning.
Sorry to interrupt you all spamming Shoutbox, but . Not that I care though...
So now we have oficially more visitors from Russia than from Poland -
Remember when I said that the amount of activity recently looked higher than usual? I was entirely right:
Fixed the insecure content warning. It was the image in one of the "Did you know" entries.