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(still 0.1.7 though)
actually, that commit was just a fixup of this one -
Nah, the planets were changed a lot earlier. 0.1.7.
IIRC in 0.1.9. Or maybe in 0.1.8. Dunno right now.
In which version you guys added new Earth image for Moon level?
I leave it to you, consider that please. If you want to reply for that idea, please reply in my topic as I can't check Shoutbox all the time. Thank You Smile
I understand the problem you met. But the English forum can be the main one, however the Polish one can be a bit wider so we still speak about main things in English and some other things like this now can be written in Polish section. Some users may feel more comfortable to write in Polish. I can write about important things in English but I also like to write in Polish especially when I write with Polish people.
@Simbax ++
The problem is that it couldn't be done like that, because when we had two big sections (which basically worked as separate forums, just one website), most of the stuff happened in Polish and almost none in English, so English users didn't know what's going on anyway and couldn't really participate in the discussions. After getting used to English we decided to bring back Polish section, but copying the whole forum structure again seems like a stupid idea to say at least: it means maintaining two forums simultaneously and unnecessary complexity. Most worth reading threads, like showing your work etc., should be in English anyway, so they get wider audience. So one category is enough, if someone really wants to write in Polish for some reason. I've seen multilingual forums and TBH it only creates more mess and needs more moderators and most forums just use one language.
Very good that you now widely support the english community, but it can be done without decreasing the significance of the polish one. Therefore I wrote my idea in my post. Bad is only that thing: decreased significance of the polish community. I don't mean anything wrong.
There is no answer to my question in your post.
See my post Smile
And once again someone who wasn't active here for years comes and complains that we moved on. Why some people still care after all that time when they didn't care? And this useless comment: "bad". I feel like I've heard that one before. Why is this bad?
ok I found them, they are hidden very well
in different languages
Does anyone knows where is that link to download data for original colobot?
So nobody speaks Polish anymore? Bad
Hello, where i can find full changelog?