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*The levels crus, then I have to restart the game a and then they work.
Maybe it's ill? I advice one pill of vitamin C and two teaspoons of JavaScript
@ColoBOT down here: Where are you? Are you ok? Are you hungry? Take a bite!
Bad Alloc doesn´t fixed:The levels still crush, but rarely.
Bad Alloc fixed:Some levels don´t load up if you leave the zip file in the mod directory, because colobot somehow can read zips.
Does someopne know how to fix bad alloc(I think it´s something with the music, because it crushes at that loading point)?
Actually yep. I also thought about how to improve them. AI actually would be improved even now (@krakers made some interesting scripts). It would be also nice if they would die after, well, for example 2 hits instead just one Shooter's particle. Aliens are almost always hard to kill, but in original CoLoBoT unfortunately they are just a bunch of nasty p*ssies. Only their sounds are actually strange and scary.
Yo, what if insects also had infrastructure, just like player do? Being something more than targets to shot?
(with the same error)
Kinda strange, that the level I should use as a template crushed.
Level structure was changed. So old userlevels will no longer work. You need to manually correct it. I suggest you use this level as an example/template:
*,so I put it in to the shoubox,many userlevels crash with the error bad_alloc.
I´m not sure if that kind of thread already exist, but many userlevels crash with the error bad_alloc. Noidea why, because they are just like other userlevels.
Does someone know if there is a fixed version of the Jinx level?
Idea for the fifteens anniversery movie: First of all a practicebot writes CoLobot on the ground and drives away. After that a builder builds a bot factory,into which a wheeled grabber brings a titanium cube,which builds a drawer, which wites Gold Edition beneath and drives away.
Well, I tried customs but all of them had strange camera and/or keyboard related issues.
you can always try to install custom Rom. If there are such ones.
Argh, unfotunately I can't force mobile version of Slack to work on my phone until I buy new device. Such a shame, having the last working Xperia smartphone with comfortable QWERTY keyboard in the world and not being able to use it because of badly optimized software... Android 4.0 in not THAT old, am I right?
Vacuum? Well, you're not alone, it's very often when I feel something similar. And that's why I hate my biology.
Oh my God, I forgot something I wanted to check and I feel like I have vacuum in head