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@tomaszkax86 : That's not a big problem imho for now. Texture (lemt) is already changed into bigger one and it's working with original models, so it should work with new model as well. I want only know if model verticles/UV nodes aren't hardcoded in some way.
We can only replace texture with some other file, as long as it has the same texture mapping for energy level.
Unfortunately, I discovered that we simply can't change powercell texture to some other file and we can't move texture mapping. It is hardcored and it has to stay like this for now, until we figure out a way to extract it in some nice way.
I'll try to calm down myself and test it with some models with different texture states.
Hadn't time to test it yet.
So. Any problems with my newest exporting script?
We'll need a more permanent storage for various important files, but Slack can be used for more temporal and quick storage
10k is a pretty good number. Only if we start making 333 messages per day on average the first messages will be lost after about a month. I don't think we'll make such average soon.
Is there any way to switch on PL of the Slack's UI?
How long is the history anyway?
The mobile app also lets everyone be up-to-date because of e-mail/mobile notifications. So no longer need for refreshing the forum and checking the logs (which are not working BTW), when something will be happening, everybody will know almost instantly, whether they are in work, school, university, in the waiting room, etc. as long as they have an internet connection. I'm beginning to sound like they payed me for advertising, am I not? xD
TerranovaTeam v.1.1 changelog: Flamewar(topic CReason); method is now private Tongue
After #2 post: even gooder idea (intended misspell).
The only problem at the moment that I see is the limited history of messages, but I hope that we can find a workaround, like saving the history once in a while on our server or smth.
Good idea
We could chat and make posts about developing there and present only some stuff on the forum to let community know that something's going on (or not). I know that up until this point we were making everything public (even too much, as recent flamewars show), but I think that Slack might be just the thing we need. We can work "in private" and communicate with everyone else easily, in our native language. Seriously, what more would one want? If you don't see advantages, then think about that at least flamewars would be hidden from the public... Tongue
You know, since Slack is not (?) visible for outsiders and most (all) members of TT are from Poland, then I see no problem in using Polish there. If this will not improve dev communication then I have no damn idea what will.
@tomaszkax86 : Sorry if my detail focused eye noticed problems with states so late. I never actually used any converter until now. Always I based on @tomangelo 's processed assets in my CGI related work.