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Right, I messed up there too. I just continued working on models, postponing reporting these issues untill most of them will be completed.
@RaptorParkowsky - Thanks...
And seriously, exporting one model doesn't take long time once you have a working script. All you need is ready to export model and a click of a button. So if you have HD models there should be no serious problems at this point.
Last commit to my model converter was 21 May 2015. You had over a year to tell me it f**king sucks and that it needs to be repaired or replaced. No one bothered to check if this and official converter actually work, so what could I do? I was too busy doing completely different project to check it after all this time.
Done Tongue
Well, I tried to make everything as simplified as possible in the main thread. "We have to think realistic - we don't have enough time to do something as huge as a major CBOT refactoring, or redoing the Exercises (OR even adding Pinkie Pie™ to the Moon for some reason...). We should focus on something that is already partially done or not verified and accepted to be in game." - It supposed to be only recycling all this stuff that isn't finished and implemented right. And we're still in this point.
Big plans, big fails.
I already thought about making separate 0.1.9 release video besides Anniversary video. I thought about AV as a way to show that after all these years there is still community, Gold would be here as "we'll continue your legacy". Making all these thanks, lists and changelogs in one video would make it unnecessary long. Anniversary video for old players, patchnotes for current players. Now we can already postpone 0.1.9 release to another date, I'm not sure if even think further about video, as there is almost no one to help with that.
Of course, I can render our new splashscreen/wallpaper. It's rather finished. But that's probably all I can do without breaking my job and other private life. The rest is rather halted due to some funny and nasty reasons.
There's not enough time for making a good 15th Anniversary video. We have nothing working as it should in GOLD to show. If you can parse min ~100 models to look noticeable better than in original in one day, record some material another day, and third day edit something that would be recognised as official TerranovaTeam video about Colobot anniversary then go ahead. We even don't know how to organise ourself in non-native English.
Well, I had to make models. I did as much as I could do. Also I'm still thinking about how 15th Anniversary video should looks like in details. If someone wants to tell me that I wasn't efficient enough - go on.
We had 107 days to prepare something quite special for this event. And of course we failed because nobody wanted to be involved in the main thread about this. This is so disappointing...
I already gave up with all this 15th Anniversary hype after all those complications related with f*cking OST titles/visualizations and nasty model converter. There's still so much stuff to do in just few days and I can't handle it alone or organize anything with you guys. Better just fix some bugs if you can, release 0.1.9 "as it is" and just mention about 15th anniversary of Colobot and new GOLD textures due this event. And start making better stuff for more "round" 16th Anniversary for the f*cking sake now! We have ONLY 365 days for that!
Not much more that what I already posted
@tomangelo - any ideas?
@LRV - (file structure is a little outdated but the level should work)
Time to seriously think about 15th Anniversary movie
I'm afraid I won't make heads models before 15th Anniversary. At least I'll make them smooth shaded. That's all I can do.