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You mean Python 2/3? On Python 2 it won't work, at least it didn't when I tried that last time (few years ago)
Python version have anything to do with this?
Imho it's something with game code, as even freshly compiled original converter cannot make animated UV's
2 weeks. I should have enough time to at least try to correct the converter. But from what I see, it works fine. State is read and written properly. Created binary old file is almost the same as converted back through txt file.
3 november
What's the deadline of the 15th anniversary?
Ok, I've seen enough today. There's no technological way to push most of those models for 0.1.9 Anniversary release. Without dirt texture and other texture states related stuff they'll look worse than original models. No matter how much vertexes they have they'll look more like a toy. This is Colobot, not CeeBot-Teen (anyway, Teen also had dirt textures). So is there something what we really CAN DO for 0.1.9 15th Anniversary release and push anything more ambitious for, well, for example 16th Anniversary? (yeah, because original Colobot worked on graphic cards with min 16 MB VRAM and 16 is much like power-of-2 number...)
I've just converter cell model with official converter. Still isn't animated
I'll have to spend some time documenting all possible model formats. It's a mess. But it's a must.
We absolutely NEED a proper documentation of model file formats. I absolutely don't know what to base myself on anymore.
And which one should we use?
How many different versions of mod files are there now?
The difference turns out to be rendering range. My converter always outputs range 0-10000.
I converted some random original model to txt then back to mod. There is a difference. I'm looking into it.
Export model in Blender to obj, use my converter to convert it to txt, then convert the txt file using Colobot's converter.
Anyways... It looks like it will not work anyway. This is not possible to force all those f*cking meshes to work in game now.
@piotrdz did exporter for Blender directly to .txt, and then binary converter mod<->txt
From obj? @tomaszkax86
So who developed this converter? EDIT: Ok, I messed a bit and confused nicknames.
There is no @piotrdz converter obj->txt