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That's what I just said.
You can export obj->txt with @tomaszkax86 converter, and then convert txt to mod with official converter
Especially when it looks like every converter recognises material states in different way.
So I have to use @piotrdz 's converter to convert fresh-out-of-Blender OBJ -> TXT, and then use @tomaszkax86 converter to process all TXT -> MOD and pray to the Daniel Roux this will work?! This is madness!
I stored them just in case. And it looks like this case came to us.
I have binary of this converter in repository
All I know is that obj <-> txt should work just fine. I'm not sure about mod format. Sorry. Debug build of Colobot exe had model converter, where is it? It worked perfectly fine when converting between different formats. You could use it to convert from txt to mod.
Ok, after all-day of experimenting all I can say this will not work. Converter is screwed, models are screwed, whole 15th Anniversary is f*cked. We should possibly delay all of this until converter will work as it should. So bad, at least 16th Anniversary should be more productive.
TXT -> MOD also is causing the artifacts. It looks like MOD format don't work with that converter AT ALL.
I think it can only use one format at a time. So you need to convert it anyway.
This is all screwed...
F*ck! It looks like I'm doing everything wrong! GOLD don't use TXT and MOD models in the same time depend of the file?! How to enable TXT models to work?
I never tested my converter on all possible models. You can use Colobot's converter to convert txt to mod. I think it might be more reliable than direct obj to mod.
State 16384 is supposed to enable dirt texture or something
So maybe converter from original MOD -> OBJ f*cked something with those material states and you always worked "as it is". Argh! I'm really thinking about delaying most of those models for next release instead of 0.1.9. There's a LOT of mess to do to make it look at least a little better than the original...
Material with state is written MaterialName[state]. Without it number will become part of material's name. Or at least that's what I wrote in the code. It's been quite a time ago. Might be a bug there somewhere, but I think it should work just fine.
Also I don't recall using state 1 anywhere, maybe for few meshes. And I never seen material with state 16k
Lol, I thought I had to put numbers in these brackets. Such fail.
@tomangelo : I know why tracks and battery level moving textures didn't work. You used in the material's name for example "[1024]" instead of just "1024". Converter don't recognise such values.
@tomangelo : It looks like for most of the technology models you used "1" material state instead of "16384". That's why most of the models are now without dirt texture depend of the level. There's a LOT of work to do to fix that :/