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Actually the LRV could lay circurts.
If tomalego reads this he should ignore and delete the message: I messed up
This concept would goes further in Colobot 2, when buildings could be connected by parralel bus between them, you could program these "pins", like "send signal to pin 2 and 3". So it wouldn't only teach basics concept of variables, but also programing electronics.
Hardest thing with it would be checking by game if tracks doesn't cross. Objects would be even current ones, like connectng ResearchCenter with Radar and BotFactory.
I know that a lot of technology stuff in this game is rather highly sci-fi magical pseudo-technology, but having real-world based electronic circuits would be a little bit more educational about technology, not just about programming.
@tomangelo : ++++++++++++++! But this will be probably require a lot of new objects with their real-world electrical abilities that could be created by some kind of DrawerBot. We'll think about such programming exercises or even the whole game mode after object's logic refactoring.
Random idea drop: "electrician" missions for DrawerBot, where you "draw" circuit tracks. You need to connect some points, without crossing another connections, to avoid short circuits.
avatar (link to the old PPC for sentimental reason)
Now we only need script. It would be helpful to know what we might include from resources from (is it somewhere to download?)
I have a lot of time to create this video Wink
I think probably @DavivaD is the only one who would edit this video. But someone should record some shots that would be good to use. It's really hard to plan anything without... a plan. So better continue the brainstorm about the script.
I have a render(s) and models to do + OST to prepare and release, @Simbax said he have no time, probably @Emxx52 also know nothing about editing videos and have no time for this. @krzys_h : Well, when I start testing current builds, he'll be probably busy solving some issues possible to fix. So who want to be the Spielberg then?
I mean anyone who could make it.
Yay! Today I met on the way to my corporation "a thing" 90% compatible with Colobot technology design rules! I'll post a photo of that thing to my Twitter soon. Sometimes you can find such neobrutalistic, dirt, old-looking but at the same time a little futuristic stuff that look almost like bots and buildings from original Colobot Big Grin
Do you mean that previous one @RaptorParkowsky ? Burned out and started to work for bread, so he actually have only time for graphics and concepts design.
So, maybe some brainstorm about 15th anniversary movie? I've brought a draft, we only need to expand slightly "Gold edition" part and make more detailed script, to finally start making shots. Where is director?
The new textures look really nice in the opening scene of "Leaving Earth"
I have a strange feeling that smooth/sharp shading highly depends of the texture/diffuse color of the model. But I don't know, maybe I saw just strange things in the Blender's viewport in the texture mode and that looks better in the GOLD's graphic engine...
I have an idea though. Some games use multiple shadow maps with various detail levels. I might experiment with that at some point.
They kind of are blocky, actually. I wanted to make sure they work on all engines and they don't take too much processing power, so I couldn't implement them better.