I really don't know what's the cause of the problem with render states. I couldn't find anything in my converter, but if someone notices a mistake let me know.
@moteybot : No, it looks like GOLD fully support sharp and smooth shading of the edges and @tomangelo only prepares his new hi-poly models to the next release. But there's a problem with textures animation of the tracked bots and battery level that you could take a look.
I have looked at the code and could help if you point me at the models and code you are using. You probably need to set sharp edges on most of the models or flat shading.
I still don't know much about how do these models using relative paths to textures and how to use a converter to TXT/MOD format. I hope I'll be able to learn how to work with this repo quickly and just do what I usualy do.
Well, probably I'll just focus on the details then. Yesterday I took a look on some models and there's still rounded Converter doors and some variants to decide which one we'll be using.
@tomangelo : You work so fast on those smooth shaded models that I will so less helpful on 18 and 19 October when I want just sit down and process the whole thing with you .