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avatar awww, I was hoping for an easter egg...
@RaptorParkowsky New textures are awesome, I'd say you should finally commit them to the repo
@RaptorParkowsky , I really like your textures Smile - "MUST BE" in Colobot Gold Smile
I hided the ui + "BONUS" was changed to "Did You Know..." -
Anyway, how's my textures? Can I push them?
If Freenode is working then maybe we'll talk using this. I don't know English enough to tell everything what I have in mind on public.
@tomangelo : 39 bro! Have you any Steam chat or something? I want to contact with you on priv in my native Polish in the case of my additional work on your models. Possibly around 15 and 17,18,19 October I'll have enough time for messing with those models, so I want to be in touch with you depend of the situation.
So, Happy Birthday @RaptorParkowsky <there was supposed to be link to picture of birthday cake on a table in game, but it doesn't work>
With my models there is a lot of more tris on screen and nothing goes crazy. Simple .mod file is more complex and game is still stable.
Looks like I accidentaly made .mod bomb.
It's very strange. I turned off dust, errors in log disappeared, but GPU usage goes 100% and there are a lot of artifacts, nothing is visible. What on Earth is going on?
Even 8k isn't good, especially if it's 15k in game. Game just goes crazy with searching non-existing dirt textures, even if model doesn't use any
No wonder it choked my GPU
From 62k tris to 28k. Maybe it'll be good
This scene still will be looking very random but who cares. I'm still too shy in the case of rendering any planet's environment.
And the floor isn't satisfying me enough. Plates looks rough, but the rest between them is still just Titanium material. Better I should find any texture, maybe something that looks like concrete or smth.
Maybe I'll just resurect my old BlackBox model and make materials/textures for cycles. Then I'll just replace that Titanium on the left with that model.
Oh, thanks guys! So I'm 23 now, huh? Time indeed flies but I still feel like I'm about 13 tough so... better back to blendering because I still have to polish this promotional image: - There should be something else to add in this scene instead just two titanium cubes, now it looks ridiculus if we talking about good composition.
I need to find simplier cake model, this one cause TDR signal send to driver.
@krzys_h , I really trying to join to Master Members. Even to TerranovaTeam.