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If so, it would be probably easy to convert those animations into Blender.
So you guys want to tell me Colobot animations works by parenting, scalling and rotating parts just like in Blender? But what about interpolation of the movement and the keyframes of each state of the parts?
Is trying to be at ground level somewhere calculated, or it's hardcoded too? I think it could be also done by bone animation.
Of course there would be some things that would look better with bone animation, but I can't imagine bots or aliens animated that way.
Personally I like the way how hardcoded animations in Colobot works. There's some stuff that would be hard to achieve by bones animation, especially when the Astronaut's feets are trying to be at ground level, etc. And I personally think that doing animation in Blender by parenting parts is much easier than making whole model with vertex groups attached precisely to the bones.
Parameters in SetObjectParent are x and y coordinates of parent, child, or something else?
I was afraid I would need to code all these rotations and movements and calibrate it with anything else
for example, glasses do exactly that (part with id 1 is the head) -
Oh, so if I get bag model as child of main mesh, then I don't really need to animate anything?
@RaptorParkowsky iirc the meshes are arranged in a tree hierarchy where children positions are relative to their parent (I guess it works the same in blender), so splitting a mesh into two should be rather trivial
I'm pretty sure we can apply any hardcoded animation to any mesh. The main problem is probably to find the right animation.
I can easily imagine that people in Colobot universe would make more robot-alien hybrids or even controllable "trained" AlienInsects in further expansion through the space. Especially to fight with original AlienInsects.
Hardest part of it would be adding animations to new meshes, I don't fully understand how it's done and that's what keeps me from trying to do it.
The same with survival backpack. But this require some engine invention to be done.
I think if we could remove heads from helm model, then just load face model everytime and optionally helm model. Now there are 4 files with helmet (each for one head model), and 4 with only heads, without helm.
I guess in Colobot 2 we could introduce some hybrids (even if this one exist naturally, hybrid of AlienWasp & AlienMantis just sound much more cooler). We must develop further through biotechnology in the Colobot franchise.
Or even as some addon to Gold