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Maybe in Colobot 2, where it could be very fast, mobile assasin-like enemy. Imagine it jumping from nowhere, running to your bot and making light, but fast meelee damage. You need to quickly neutralize it, otherwise you gonna get scratched to wreck. Of course on higher levels.
Mantis + Wasp = - Climaciella brunnea. This would be pretty badass addition to Colobot.
I think I'll just give up with smooth round helm for now and make it other day. Now just finish current one and go next.
@Simbax : Nevermind. Totally nothing.
@RaptorParkowsky help with what? And why do you ask a question you can easily find an answer for?
@RaptorParkowsky : still on helm model, I hadn't much time lastly.
I will work in this day for birthday splash for Colobot in SVP Tongue
Trying to do animated Epsitec logo in Vegas Pro:
@RaptorParkowsky : You have a deadline with textures and GOLD-15th-Anniversary-Splashscreen till your birthday, or I'll rip apart you into shreds! You have also OST to release, updated logos to push, models to revision before push, probably even promotional video to record and edit. Basically our life is in your hands and you have butterfingers! Shame!
If anyone want help with this release, test current GOLD development builds and report to the GitHub as much you can. There's no place for such obvious bugs like it was before. Only smaller, almost unnoticable bugs are allowed.
@krzys_h : How's your Anniversary letter concept? Can you do this one before the 15th Anniversary?
@tomangelo : If you're still making rest of the models, tell me how many of them are to do. And stop doing any new ones for now. We're in "sprint mode" now and if we're going to make another promotional video, then we need some finished models with combined smooth and flat shading for recordings. I'll be finishing textures soon and then I'll be able to help you a little with the models.
@DavivaD : There's probably no one who could make even visualization videos for planned CoLoBoT OST YouTube release, so yeah, probably there will be no promotional video or other kind of teaser for 0.1.9 15th Anniversary release. @Simbax : Any help? Maybe I'll be able to edit something in at least HD with my new PC. What was the program that you used for 0.1.6 promo video?
@TopNochHam : probably you need to activate your account via link sent to your e-mail.
hello im kinda new to this forum setup and would love some help on how to post threads. Thank you
Video for 15th Anniversary is planned?
@RaptorParkowsky I tried that version a long time ago, but it's too bright for a wallpaper as it makes tge text on it hard to read
Half an hour and there it is: - Well, that's probably the one good thing about that GOLD-Intro animation I did. The rest is scrapped but maybe someday I'll be back to work on it once again...