Labyrinth for Diversity contest again? Think more diverse! I'm pretty sure there was no "kill as much AlienInsects as you can in the limited time" or "prepare your base for invasion" in all Diversity contests.
Anyway, if you have any other ideas, ideally for something involving code battles (but a lot simpler than the code battle missions in the game), we'll gladly accept it
@krzys_h yeah, but I no longer have the description of this idea. It sucked anyway now that I think about it. It was inspired by this IIRC
I'm terrible at writing official emails too and that's why I'm so desperately looking for help The most important thing we need is a short description of what's new in Gold and what can we do in terms of multiplayer tasks (i.e. code battles)
I just came online after whole day. Also I'm terrible at writing official emails, especialy if I don't know what's going up. So I couldn't help before, and I'm not sure if I can help now.
@tomaszkax86 : ++. So it didn't worked like that in the original? EPSITEC, shame on you. But I wonder how this will work when we decide to implement weather changes or just basic change of the light programmable in LevelController? The game probably will be slowing down rendering while smoothly interpolated changes of lightning.
If anybody has time, please join IRC, we seriously need to respond to that email and I'm so terrible at writing such things I'm not going to try to do it alone
I have an idea how to speed Colobot up a lot. Basically, terrain lighting is static so it can be "baked" and reused every time, so there would be no need to compute it again. But this will require a lot of changes in the engine.