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We've just got an email from Diversity, important stuff
Though I can imagine it looking better in this case because humanoid don't look as edgy as robots
The main difference is it's fully going along that concept, unlike in colobot which tries to be as realistic as possible for year 2000 tech
Some example of this ascetically triangle-based things? I can't imagine it without being even more low-poly than original models
When I say triangle-based, I don't mean it technically, I mean it ascetically
Damn, you know too much about modeling
In Blender I'm working on tetragons (in special cases there are n-gons), but when exporting I always check "triangulate faces" option. And even if I would forget it, @tomaszkax86's converter can triangulate faces too.
Models always should be triangle-based in real-time rendering (if I know correctly, this is more optimal for GPUs). More-than-3-edges models are easier to modify and they should be used in source files of models.
@radioactivity : models actually are triangle-based, with current model format it's impossible to do it other way.
I look at that orgamatter and I think that Colobot 2 should have triangle-based low-poly models, it'd look dope
Hmm, I wonder why old models looks like they do have smooth shading despite there's no smooth shading. Good example is OrgaMatter.
Current model format is anyway to replace, so digging with it doesn't really make any sense. New one would support some more advanced multi-flags system instead of old mono-state system.
Oh, that's rignt. I afraid smooth shading must be implemented to rendering engine AND to model format. Then you could only select what edges should be smooth or flat in Blender and converter should translate this correctly to GOLD's model format.
I thought smooth shading must be turned on in engine. Other things - I'll fix that.
@tomangelo : I just tested all models from your repo how they look in the game. Well, there's still a lot of work to do before release. First, turn on smooth shading in most meshes. Some models look good, some isn't because I can see every polygon even if they have texture on. Second, some meshes have no faces on both sides (PowerCaptor dish for example). Third, there's still some round plates instead of octagon what we decided to officially use.
So if no one have anything to report with human1 model, then I'm making helmet.
Currently after half of the work with the textures of the objects that I done all I can say is that I won't be able to deliver all usable sources to GitHub. Possibly this will be only XCF file and some updated SVG's. Rest is purely raster and currently I made so many complex changes combining @Simbax and @Adrian assets into one as best as possible looking hybrid.
if you do, redeliver all three
@tomangelo You don't really have to redeliver anything unless you want missed notifications to be sent to IRC