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Yeah, I don't really have sympathy to people who got bait either
At least the whole world got a perfect example what false marketing can do Tongue
NMS devs got only a little more than they deserve, they've dug their own hype-grave and buried themselves under 8 meters of unkept promises and topped with AAA price tag tombstone. That's just disgusting
And by many I mean almost all
They've shown many of these things on demos
Devs are guilty too, for answering automatically "it might be" for almost everything, then withdrawing from their words. Game itself isn't so bad, just not worth these 60€.
NMS was overhyped, people was expecting something like Skyrim in space, where huge fleets of ships would fly from system to system, doing some quests, etc. There was a lot of things that devs told that "this might be", but there was also a lot of things that people just imagined themselves.
That's the firs time I hear about bugs in No Man's Sky O_o I read many hates just by using social media for false marketing and being boring and featureless overall. If Steam is giving refunds after 2 hours of playing and they're losing money quite fast, I'd say it is not a bestseller. Add to that an overwhelming amount of negative opinions, and the conclusion is: the game is a failure. I admit that I had no interest in this game at all, because I predicted that it will be far from what was promised, and it seems to me that I was right. Even if it doesn't satisfy your definition of failure, it certainly wasn't a huge success either.
In Colobot you just land on planet,build radar, kill Ants and then fly away. There are blue planets, green, red, etc. On almost every one of them you have Ants, you can't choose which planet you would explore now, which part of this planet.
Well, for me Spore have better explorating experience, since you're traveling from planet to planet, that some re completely uninhabitated, some contain complete ecosystem, some have even intelligent species. You may look how tribes are making its dances, you can watch at "modern" civilisations with planes and stuff, with more developed species you can even trade or take their philosophy
In terms of No Man's Sky you said that it's failure which is lie. Some reviewers have very positive rating for this game, some not. Most bad ratings come from users that are unable to play this game on PC beacouse of bugs.
I guess it's just hard to explain. Some elements you mentioned in Colobot are really not realistic and funny but what I meant was overall look of the game. If you look on Spore graphics and objects they are pure sci-fi and overall gameplay doesn't give sense of exploration. Colobot make (at least me) feel like I am exploring planets in solar system. I agree there are not many things you can discover on planets, but still it's difrrent than those games and for me it's better. It;'s worth to admit that this game was made in 2001 so lack of some elements it's not major flaw.
Magnets in floor?
Robots could be quite real, buildings are indeed magical. Even SpaceShip doesn't make any physical sense... That intriguing moment when you try to visualize the half-empty ship closing and travelling through space without any problems...
I still remember few of my reactions to first usages of some bots/buildings in the game from the childhood. "Wroooooo... Thump!" - When I first saw like Thumper's battery was getting big, all that sparkles etc. I just scream "Cool!" Big Grin .
Colobot models are real-life? Hmm, I don't think so, they're rather very abstract and strange. Totally unreal and that's what I'm talking about mentioning "they work magically somehow". Like you put titanium ore here, "shooo, bzioom, diong!" and there it is! Converted titanium cube somehow appeared. This is kinda magic about technology design in this game. This is that strange feeling what makes me still interesed and amazed with this game.
@RaptorParkowsky at least doesn't bash all the other games without any reason and solid arguments. His reason is quite legit actually, the technology indeed is something interesting especially mixed with CBOT and real-life models...
Did you even play those games to say that they don't provide "any real, deep experience", "climate, world exploration and overall possibilities"? I doubt so, because they provide these things. Especially possibilities and exploration, which Colobot lacks. I'm not even commenting about the part about "some crazy sci-fi spaceships fight and some future mumbo-jumbo guns massacre made for special effects.", because it is ludicrous and plainly wrong, especially with Colobot having shooting robots and aliens too Big Grin
I agree with RaptorParkowsky, other elements apart from space exploration made this game so orginal and good. I love their soundtrack. @Simbax Sorry, but I cannot find any game you mentioned even a little bit interesting, it's completely diffrent world. I am not really into some crazy sci-fi spaceships fight and some future mumbo-jumbo guns massacre made for special effects. I am more concerned about climate, world exploration and overall possibilites that game give me. Games you mentioned doesn't provide any real, deep experience that 15 yr old Colobot provide. Even with this old looking graphics overall look of space and planets is so autenthic unlike other games.