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40 random reliefs for level authors
I did it for my Level pack, for planet Aria (and technically, Ethertron too).
I suggest using photo filtre 7 (an 8MB micro photoshop). I now remember I told you several times about it xD

There if you open or paste one thing in blank picture and then paste some other image on it, they don't get merge like they do in MS Paint, but are two separate layers. I suggest copying different stuff, noticing how new images you paste get added as new 'layers' you can select and work on, and experimenting with tools below:
"Adjust>duotone" tool,
"layer>transparency>transparent color" tool,
Also use magic wand for selection, and "adjust>replace color" for quick fill.
and use right click menu on one of the layers (on left side of the screen) and option "merge with previous layer".

If you experiment for several minutes and feel like you know how it works, paste in roca2 or rocb2 textures and apply duotone, and then transparent color, and see how it lets you get the 'shape'.

Then you must figure out what gets transparent, what gets projected and what not when you use "merge with previous layer" etcSmile

Then find some 'seamless textures' online on google images, and apply some stuff from "adjust" and "filter" menu, like blur, noise, pattern or brightness, color, saturation adjustments. Thats how I did my textures.

If you decide to use this tool here's some more tips, that you'll find out yourself anyway if you dig into this.
If you know what seamless textures are, and if you know that the roca2 and rocb2 textures are divided in 16 smaller seamless squares, you'll notice that you actually need to prepare your texture in a 4 by 4 square - making you copy your seamless texture in MS Paint several times to form 4 x 4 pattern - thats required for it to loop nicely, but that's a bit more advanced stuff. Oh, and you will want your grass/snow borders on square edges on your textures to stay straight where they are and not any pixel further (and they will move on the next of 16 squares if you for example blur the image, and it is a problem, that's hard to describe but fortunately easy to notice and understand when seen on ground in game).

When you're done, you may for example replace orignal roca2 or rocb2 textures with your work and run a terranova mission to check them out. (backup original textures first). Its faster than zipping/unzipping a userlevel mod, or creating your own level folder in game files.

For Colobot: Gold Edition check out my TrueLevels level pack, UI Texture replacement pack and Sound Effect replacement pack.
Trailer for TrueLevels and my youtube channel here. Cheers!

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40 random reliefs for level authors - by melex750 - 01-29-2016, 08:52 PM
RE: 40 random reliefs for level authors - by True Destroyer - 04-04-2016, 01:13 AM

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